Tuesday 5 September 2023

Green Tilley quarter final September 5 2023

Algy Grimes reports on a closely-fought clash with Trevor Darrington

With one day to spare, Algy Grimes and Trevor Darrington played their Green Tilley quarter final in the heat of the Carthagena course. 

Algy lost his ball from the tee on the first (what a start!) so was one down after just one hit! 

On to the second. Trevor teed off and put his ball about 10 feet from the pin. Algy hit the trees on the left but not out of bounds and played his second to just off the green. Trevor put his second shot within a few inches of the hole and Algy was now 2 down after two!

Two pars on the 3rd and 4th brouht it all square and, hitting a purple patch, Algy then went three up after 8 holes. Trevor hit a couple of superb shots to the green on the 9th and took the hole with a par. Trevor then kept up the good play to take the 10th in par and the 12th so all square again.

 The rest of the 18 were wins for either or halved, but Algy won the 17th to be one up with one to play. However, another par from Trevor won the 18th to take the match down the 1st hole again. Both played the hole well and Trevor had a putt to take it to a second play-off hole, but unfortunately for him it lipped out to give Algy the win.

A great enjoyable game of golf.

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