Tuesday 12 September 2023

Stableford roll-up trial September 12 2023

Seniors Captain Jonathan Lean and Roll-Up organiser Bill Walker launch the trial scheme

The senior section’s first singles Stableford roll-up trial was a resounding success with 21 players turning up, most of whom put a card in for their handicap.

The format was similar to the regular roll-up with the exception that instead of playing four ball better ball, entrants played singles Stableford with the opportunity to enter a General Play card on IG or England Golf if they wished.

As usual with the roll up there were no gimmees and players were encouraged to pick up if they could not score on a hole to help pace of play.

First to drive off, with a lovely shot down the middle of the Carthagena first, was Richard Westergreen-Thorne.

Congratulations to David Tamsitt who came first with 42 points. Second was Derek Weller on 39 points, beating Bill Conway into third place on countback after a very impressive back 9.  Prize money was paid out to 9th place.

The event went without a hitch apart from a few concerns, perhaps inevitable because of the format, about pace of play. This will be taken into consideration when the trial is reviewed. 

The next trial will take place on October 26. Following that the seniors committee will take feedback from members and decide whether to build this into the roll-up programme for 2024 with six to eight such events during the year.

First off: Graham Gadsden, Dave Trotter, Tony McLean and Richard Westergreen-Thorne

David Crosby, Peter Salmon, Dave Sutton and David Barlow

Paul Jones, Rafe Bateson, David  Tamsitt and David McNair


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