Thursday 7 September 2023

Seniors away to Gog Magog September 7 2023


JoG Seniors Captain Jonathan Lean with Gog Magog’s Alan Campbell

Organiser Paul Jones reports

What a difference a year makes.  For this fixture almost exactly 12 months ago I remember it being really cold and this year’s match was played in glorious sunshine.

However, it looked like we might not be able to field a full team as a number of us encountered serious traffic problems en route, but with a small tweak to the batting order I think all matches got away on time.

When I was involved in running a football team, I had the rule if you got there after than the manager you were late, so the unfortunate guys who arrived after our Captain have to be classified as late.

Seriously well done to all in getting there in time for your tee time as it was quite a  stressful journey for a good few of us.  It makes you appreciate the few times, those of us who are no longer in paid employment, have to venture out during the "rush hour"

All bar one of the matches were very close, and six of the matches were decided on the 18th hole.  

The first match came to the nearest the pin hole (same hole for both teams) and all four of us hit the green,  Jonathan and their organiser, Allan wrote their names on the marker boards and no further names were added.  (perhaps Andy Brown had lost his pencil) 
I think Jonathan would probably have preferred to have received a bottle of wine as that will probably last longer than the sleeve of golf balls that he won. 
(I suspect that I won't be picked for any further games after that remark.)

Anyway the details of who did what are :

Jonathan Lean and Paul Jones Won 1 Up
Andy Brown and Keith Howlett Lost 3 & 1
Jack Shepherd and Trevor Darrington Won 7 & 5
Richard Young and Gerry Degaute Lost 2 down
Steve Luckman and Fred Williams Lost 1 down
Chris Dennis and Neil Pinnington All square
Tony Lloyd  and Terry Sweeney Lost 1 down
David McNair and Tony Goodson Lost 1 down

We enjoyed a lovely meal afterwards and really appreciated the hospitality and patience that the guys from Gog Magog showed to us

Gerry Degaute got this close to the pin on the par three eighth, holed out for birdie and STILL didn’t win the hole as their opponents, who were being given a shot, halved it with a three nett two.

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