Monday 25 September 2023

Seniors at home to Bedford and County September 22 2023

Organiser David Crosby reports

 At my age, getting up at 5:30am to travel to Harpenden Common GC on the Thursday was not the best preparation for getting to JOG at 7:30 am on the Friday, cards written, ready to take the register for our match vs Bedford (not Beds!) and County GC. I've been in recovery ever since, hence the late blog on Friday's match.

I think most of our team were stand-ins, even stand-ins for stand-ins in a few cases (why has it apparently been so bad this year?) - but I later learned that two of the B&C team were also recruited only the day before. 
However, those that participated performed well - in 4 instances for JOG and 3 instances for B&C. The last team waited an hour and 10 minutes to begin their match and finished as they began - all square. And so JOG prevailed 4 ½ to 3 ½ .

Jonathan Lean and David Crosby      WON   3 and 2
Keith Perry and Graham Lewis        WON   3 and 2
David Wood and Rob Ebsworth        WON   4 and 3
Paul Hammond and Algy Grimes        LOST  3 and 2
Nick Seeley and Nigel Underwood     LOST        4 and 2
Jed Isbell and Terry Domagala       WON   4 and 2
Barry Donovan and John Whitbread    LOST  2 and 1
Steve Luckman and Colin Newbury     HALVED

Jed Isbell won NTP for JOG on the 8th (CAR).

An excellent meal comprising the biggest pork chops I have ever seen followed by a delicious apple crumble eased away the aches and pains of the day.

Seniors' Captain Jonathan  Lean was distraught with a double bogie on the last to shoot 1 OVER his age. I'll arrange for him to get some coaching from Peter Imray!!

A member of the B&C team reminded his members to wash their golf shoes before playing again as (apparently as heard by Paul Hammond) we have 'caesarean' on our greens! Ouch!

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