Saturday 9 September 2023

Notes of the Senior Section Committee August 29, 2023


Barry Donovan (BD), Jonathan Lean (JL), Richard Westergreen – Thorne (RWT), Tony Lloyd (TL) Andy Shilton (AS)



Algy Grimes (AG), Justin Thomas (JT)


JT was unable to attend the meeting due to the England Boys County Championships taking place at the time of the meeting.

Minutes previous 


Matters arising 

There were no actions not completed not found elsewhere on the agenda.

Captain (JL)

There have been no committee meetings since the last seniors committee meeting so there is very little to report.

The next Golf Committee meeting is on 20th September so if anyone has any suggestions about issues to be raised, please let me know.

I would like to record my thanks to Nigel and Sabrina Underwood for the extremely efficient organisation of the Seniors Member and Guest Day under what turned out to be slightly trying circumstances with clashing events in the clubhouse.

I would also like to record my thanks to Richard Westergreen-Thorne for the excellent organisation of my Seniors Captain’s Day. I just wish that he could have arranged for the rain to hold off for an additional hour or so!

Richard and I hosted the Senior Captain and Vice-Captain from Luffenham last Friday. They were very impressed with our course and facilities and look forward to our match next year and in future years.

Vice-Captain (RWT)

RWT discussed the conversations he has held with fellow seniors who are injured or unwell at the moment.

Immediate Past Captain (AG)


Prior to the meeting AG raised a couple of points that were discussed elsewhere on the agenda.

Treasurer's Report (BD)


























Comp Prizes




Comp Entry




Bank B/Fwd




Raffle Prizes




Captain Charity




Surplus too date








Member & Guest








Match Costs








Actual Bank Balance










Kit sales


















Surplus to date























Invoices and payments updated until end of July.

Bank Reconciliation completed.

Improved process with Club 

monthly Pro Shop invoices now in place
Understanding of the IG process gained
Further improvements to be reviewed

Full Actual to Forecast review underway

Captains Charity re-allocation to be made

All finances looking strong and broadly inline with plan


A discussion took place regarding the current position with the balance on the Honorarium and the Captains card.

Hon. Secretary (RWT)

There have not been any new requests for membership of the seniors over the past few weeks and so the numbers appear settled at the present time - 263 plus 7 who were part of the old courtesy list. 155 people have taken part in at least one GOTY competition so far this year and a few more have taken part in non GOTY events.

I am pleased that the Calendar is now completed for 2024 with the addition of Peterborough Milton for the Swap Day. As well as emails I have spoken with their Captain and Secretary and they seem very keen to take part. I am also pleased to report that Algy has kindly offered to continue as organiser of the Swap Day. Our original plan had been to organise the Swap Day earlier in the year to keep it apart from the Away Day but we could not find a Monday at this juncture that the club could free up for us to use and that Peterborough Milton could play. However, the dates that have been finalised are a month apart and I know that people will enjoy both opportunities.

I informed Beds and County that we will play 12 a side for 2024, as they requested, and then we would want to review it and I did not have any further feedback from them. We will need to make a decision on 2025 onwards early in 2024.

I had mentioned that Wellingborough had asked to look at alternative dates but that was resolved without any changes being made.

I publicised the request for volunteers for both the Roll Up Organiser role and also for people to join the rota itself. Terry Domogala came forward to offer to help with the roll ups and is on the new rota. Bill Walker stepped forward to take over the organisation of the rota and Bill has already got stuck into this, has taken over the rota and is engaged with us in our discussion about the Roll Up Proposal.

Talking of the roll up proposal this generated over 40 responses to both the original mailing of the proposal and subsequent references in the Newsletter. This is far and away our biggest ever response from members.

Other matters of interest are covered elsewhere on the agenda.

Competition Secretary (TL)

The Seniors Member and Guest Day was held on Tuesday August 1. The event was a resounding success despite the Burgoyne Suite being unavailable to us because of David Woodley’s wake.

Congratulations to Nigel Underwood and his wife, Sabrina, for organising and to Clubhouse Manager Paula for juggling the two events seamlessly. The winners were Paul Beasley and his guest John Maynard.

The Senior Captain’s Day was held on Tuesday August 8. A full field of 100 was achieved for the shotgun start. It was won by Paul Life with 39 points.

The Bailiff Shield was played on Tuesday August 22. In previous years this has been a two-tee start which restricts the number of entrants to 88. This year, because of the increased interest in Seniors Competitions, it was decided to change to a one-tee start. In the event 99 players took part. It was won by Stephen Foster with 44 points.

Next up is the Gordon Percival Team Trophy on October 3 followed by the 3 Clubs and a Putter on October 10 and Autumn Singles Stableford on October 17. I have set up a meeting with Celia Whitecross and Sus Zirnis to discuss the scramble with the ladies on October 31

I have now set up all next year’s competitions and knockouts on IG.

A discussion took place regarding the arrangements for the Scramble with the Ladies regarding cost of entry and arrangements on the day.

Match Secretary' Report (AS)

Since the last report we have played 6 matches with results as follows: 

Gog Magog                      (h) won 5-3

Cambridge Country        (a) lost 5-3

Northampton                  (h) draw 4-4

Wellingborough              (a) lost 6-2

St Neots                           (a) lost 5-3

Letchworth                      (a) won 5-3

Overall performance to date Played 20, Won 8, Drawn 5 Lost 7.  Our overall performance is still just in the positive but we are starting to slip from our very bright start. 

The player turnover has not been as acute this month, but we now look to be struggling for South Beds away on 13 September.  An appeal has been put into the weekend's Newsletter.

AG and I have met to discuss arrangements for next year and I have put together a short survey to test membership opinion.

Action Point:

AS and AG to circulate a draft survey to members regarding selection arrangements for matches in 2024 to the committee and then, once agreed, circulate the final version to members for responses.

Calendar 2024 

What is hoped is the final version of the calendar was circulated and a few minor points on tees and timings were discussed.

Several points for 2024 will need to be returned to such as future matches with Beds and County beyond 2024, Swap Day arrangements, match selection criteria for Brocket Hall and Luffenham Heath and the cost of playing in matches in 2024. This to include reference to the fact that Brocket Hall and Luffenham Heath as afternoon fixtures will have different costings.

Action Point:

Fixtures for 2025 and arrangements for matches in 2024 to be added to the agenda for the next meeting.

Impact of gender neutral tees for competitions in 2024


Given the recent club announcement about the introduction of gender neutral tees it was agreed, following discussion, that we should take guidance from the club regarding tees for Senior Section competitions before making any changes.


Action Point:


TL to seek advice from the club and report back at the next meeting.

Roll Up Proposal

 It was agreed that the revised proposal be adopted and circulated to members. This involves two trial individual single Stablefords before the end of 2023 to be reviewed with a view to introducing 6 – 8 such roll ups in 2024.

It was also agreed that Bill Walker would take over the role of organiser of the roll ups from the Senior Section Secretary.

 Action Points:


-          RWT to circulate the finalised proposal to members and publicise in the Newsletter.

-          To be an agenda item at the next meeting

 Officers for 2024 and organisers for events

 The committee had an outline discussion regarding the officers for 2024 and other opportunities for fellow seniors to support the seniors by helping to organise events and matches, etc. This included the arrangements for the organisation of competitions and support for the Competition Secretary on the day of competitions. It was agreed that this discussion needs to be linked to the discussion about the arrangements for the AGM and the arrangements for matches and competitions in 2024.

 Action Point:

 It was agreed to have this as an agenda item for the next meeting.

 Presentation event/annual dinner

 Dave Wood will attend the next meeting and any current thoughts or comments about the arrangements of the evening should be passed to RWT prior to that meeting.


 None was received not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

Date and time of next meeting  

Thursday 5th October

Tuesday 7th November

Tuesday 16th January 2024





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