Tuesday 15 August 2023

Seniors away to St Neots August 15 2023

Organiser Ian Riches reports

Despite St Neots having a home advantage of over 70 shots, our match against them was a much closer affair than the team sheet might have initially suggested. 

We were blessed with a lovely sunny morning and despite some early morning dew on the greens, which obviously reduced the pace for a while, the greens were in lovely condition and very receptive to a well struck short iron.

 For those who have not played St Neots before, the first seven holes are quite tight and local knowledge is key to playing them well. That was clearly the case for Jonathan and myself as we quickly found ourselves four down, not helped by me hitting a 100 yard wedge to within six inches of the flag only to find I had played Jonathan’s ball by mistake. By the 17th we were 1 up but a birdie on the last by St Neots’ match captain resulted in the match being halved. The final scores for individual matches were:


Jonathan Lean/Ian Riches: Halved

Terry Domagala/David McNair: Lost 3&2

Andy Brown/ Nigel Underwood: Won 2&1

Nick Schumann/Oz Osman: Won 3&1

Michael Newstead/Richard Westergreen-Thorne: Lost 5&3

Keith Howlett/ Peter Jarman: Lost 2&1

Andy Lawrence/Rob Ebsworth: Halved

Steve Collins/Derek Young: Lost 2 down      


St Neots consequently rode out the winners 5&3 and nearest the pin for JOG was won by Andy Brown. A great club with lots of sociable members - we look forward to welcoming many familiar faces back to John O’Gaunt next year.


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