Notes of the Senior Section Committee Meeting
20 July 2023
Algy Grimes (AG), Jonathan Lean (JL), Richard Westergreen – Thorne (RWT), Tony Lloyd (TL) Andy Shilton (AS)
Barry Donovan (BD),
Justin Thomas (JT)
JT was unable to attend the meeting but sent a note to JL covering various areas of mutual interest which were discussed by the committee.
Minutes previous
Matters arising
There was one action from the last meeting not on the agenda regarding staggered starts for matches. It was agreed that this will be left to JL to proceed when appropriate to do so.
Captain (JL)
There was a Golf Committee Meeting on 6th July. Regarding the issues that I raised at the previous meeting, the situation is as follows.
There has been no negative feedback regarding our request to increase the number of matches that we play. There seems to be tacit approval to add prestigious clubs such as Luffenham, Woburn etc. with 12-man teams on a Monday afternoon.
Honours Boards. Nothing has been progressed as this was held over from the last meeting. I reminded the committee that we were seeking to increase the number of honours boards that we have in the bar area. I was asked to provide a list of which competitions we would like to add. This then raised the question of whether or not we wanted to have any of our competitions added to the club honours competition list. This would result in having these competitions being administered by the club and winners being invited to attend the club end of year presentation evening. For information, the Ladies section have 12 boards – 11competitions and one GOTY.
The issue of improved tee furniture has not been taken further yet, but I was assured that it would be before the next meeting.
The 75th Anniversary week was successful. The Senior Section Rex Cleaver Championship Trophy was held as part of the week’s competition calendar. There was a ‘wash-up’ meeting to review the occasion and I am advised anecdotally that the proposal is to have a similar event every other year.
This would be timed to avoid Party on Potton years.
The Charity weekend has also been completed. The total amount raised has not yet been calculated.
I can report that the 54-hole challenge has so far raised over £1400 for my charity.
Vice-Captain (RWT)
RWT outlined the conversations he has held with various seniors who are unable to play due to illness or injury. A brief discussion was held.
Immediate Past Captain (AG)
AG had nothing to report.
Treasurer's Report (BD)
Cash position has increased from £4082.71 to £5355.89.
In addition, invoices have been raised for all events prior to the Reg Batson Medal. Invoices outstanding amount to
- JOG Finance £1920
Expected costs from Club for Food and from Pro for Prizes – estimated at £3500
Quick summary of financials as 12th July
| | |
Costs from JOG and Tom Simm - only partially up to date - BJD to chase |
Cost control - currently through spreadsheets and Budget forecasts - complex and long winded . Needs simplification with monthly billing to/from Club/Pro. BJD to explore |
No progress yet on reviewing projected 2024 Seniors plans - but will pick this up so that 2024 Budget can be produced this year for recommendation at AGM |
12th July cash position is 5355.89. Outstanding Debtors of £1920. Expected creditors/cost accural of £3500. Projected cash balance around £3800 |
No unexpected costs currently foreseen |
Captains Charity provision to be worked out |
Hon. Secretary (RWT)
Whilst the calendar for 2024 is essentially completed we need confirmation that we can proceed with our proposed match programme from the club The other outstanding matters relating to the 2024 calendar are on the agenda for the meeting. This includes the Swap Day where we are yet to find another club to play.
We are still having a few new members join us and this includes a couple in the last two weeks. Both are existing club members deciding to get involved with the seniors and the previous person to them was someone who has just joined the club and has yet to get a handicap . The mailing list is now over 260 strong.
As we will be starting what will hopefully be a long and enjoyable relationship with Luffenham Heath next year I have arranged with the Captain and Vice-captain at Luffenham Heath to play Jonathan and me at JOG in August. They will reciprocate with a game with us at Luffenham Heath in September.
The basic arrangements for the Captain’s Day are in place and I hope that we can agree some of the final details at the meeting so that I can go ahead and finish the planning of the day. We still have 10 spaces for the event at the time of writing and I hope that these will be filled shortly.
Nothing new to report to the committee has come up via the newsletter and the correspondence that it generates each week.
It was agreed that when JL and RWT host the Captain and Vice Captain from Luffenham Heath the cost of hosting (green fee and food for the guests) will be paid from the Honorarium.
Competition Secretary (TL)
Ken Robinson Scramble May 9 2023
Eighty players took part with the top three teams scoring 59 points. The Trophy was won by Graham Berry, Barry Donovan, Gordon Goodchild and Alban Macdonald. The competition was a success despite prolonged overnight rain causing the lake to overflow and the 13th fairway to become waterlogged.
Rex Cleaver Championship Trophy June 20 2023
The second of our medals was won by Richard Knell with nett 67, three shots better than his nearest rival. Ninety-six players turned out for this event. Winner of the Bessant East Trophy for best gross score was Peter Imray with 81.
Reg Batson Trophy July 11, 2023
Forty-two qualifiers fought for this one, expanded from 30 in previous years to reflect the growing numbers of active senior members. It was won by Dave Wrench with nett 70. Interestingly, three of the top five players were relatively new members, illustrating the increasing interest and competitiveness in the senior section.
Annual Stableford July 18 2023
103 players entered the Annual Stableford with three withdrawals on the day due to medical reasons and one no-show. The winner was Tony Goodson with 42 points followed by Jed Isbell and Algy Grimes.
Member and Guest Day Aug 1 2023
Still to be played, a full house of 88 was achieved within a few days of the competition opening. Thanks to organiser Nigel Underwood for his expert planning.
Senior Captain’s Day August 8 2023
Again still to be played, but plans are well advanced thanks to RWT with 98 players out of amaximum 100 signed up at the time of writing
Bailiff Shield, August 22 2023
I changed this from a two-tee to a one-tee start to accommodate more entrants but at the time of writing only 75 out of a maximum 102 had signed up. This may be due to the holiday season but I will monitor the numbers
Knockout competitions
These are all progressing steadily with everyone managing, only just in some cases, to get their games in before the deadline dates.
Match Secretary’s Report (AS)
Since the last report we have played seven matches including the Brocket. Hall 12 player game – (a) (lost 4-2). Of our mainstream fixtures we played Harpenden Common (h), (lost 6-2), Saffron Walden (A) (won 4.5-3.5), South Beds (H), Won 5-3, Millbrook (h), (draw 4-4), Leighton Buzzard (h) won 5-3,
Letchworth (h) (draw 4-4).
Overall performance to date Played 14, Won 6, Drawn 4 Lost 4. The season is going well.
The biggest issue we have had has been a startling number of withdrawals with something like 13 players for the upcoming match against Northampton and 11 for Cambridge Country Club. I am considering if our current approach of selections for the season is actually not working for us and we should go to a rolling approach. Possibly something to survey the members on.
We have had an excellent response to the plea for players for the 4 fixtures in last week’s Newsletter and now have full teams and reserves for all.
A discussion took place about the various approaches to signing up to play in matches. It was agreed that of the various options all have pros and cons attached to them. It was agreed that we should consider changing the sign up arrangements and the timings for the section of teams for 2024. As a first step AS and AG will go through the current process together and discuss the various options.
Action Point: AG and AS to report back to the committee when they have done this.
Keith Howlett had been invited to attend the meeting for this item but was unable to do so and he has offered to attend a subsequent session. A discussion took place and it was agreed that Keith should be invited to the next meeting. See also Roll Up item below.
Calendar 2024
The latest version of the Calendar for 2024 was circulated in advance.
Little has changed since the last version was shared and the following items were discussed:
- we are still waiting for the Ladies to confirm the dates for the two competitions held with them
- we are yet to confirm a club for the Swap Day. We had enlisted the help of Gordon but he was unable to find a club amongst his contacts. Several other options were discussed and RWT will follow up and approach these clubs - one of which is looking positive
- extra pm matches with Brocket Hall and Luffenham Heath are in the calendar for 2024
- Beds and County have said they want to go to 12 a side and it was agreed that we should agree to their request for 2024 given the late notice but we should let them know that we are unlikely to continue the fixture beyond 2024 unless we play 16 a side.
South Beds are changing their start time for matches in 2024 to 10.00am.
Action Points:
- RWT to contact clubs to find a possible Swap Day partner
- RWT to contact Beds and County to pass on our response to their request
Member and Guest Day
The arrangements and finances for the day are agreed and in hand with Nigel Underwood the organiser.
The wake for David Woodley is going to take place on the same afternoon as the event. Paula, Clubhouse Manager, was able to join the meeting for this item to discuss the amendments that need to be made as the clubhouse will be very busy that afternoon.
It was agreed that the after-competition meal will take place in the Sports Bar (with changed seating), bar area and conservatory. AG and TL are not taking part in the event and will help move people along when they have finished eating. If the weather is good then the presentations will take place outside and a tent will be erected to house the trophies and prizes, etc.
It was agreed that RWT would inform Nigel Underwood who would liaise with Paula about the exact arrangements over the last few days of preparation.
Senior Captain’s Day
It was confirmed:
A 9.00am Shotgun start with 100 players – 98 signed up at present paying £10 each
Cost £14 a head for tea/coffee/chocolate from mobile catering and sandwiches, chips and cake.
Likely income 100 x £10 = £1,000
Likely expenditure 100 x £14 = £1,400 + raffle prizes the cost of which will be taken from the income from entry fees. RWT to purchase.
Mike Tipper and Justin Thomas playing with JL and RWT
Collect cards from the Foyer – Jean Peacock and Pat Lloyd have kindly offered to issue cards and sell raffle tickets from the Foyer (£1 each)
Nearest the pin on all three par 3’s plus nearest the pin in 2 on the 11th.
Mobile catering to be paid for from the Honorarium and the rest of the costs to come from the seniors finances.
There is a virtual nearest the pin competition in the pro shop when the round is finished – first go free.
There will be a Captain’s Drive competition at the end of the presentations.
Catering does not want 100 people all arriving for their sandwiches at the same moment – RWT to liaise with the Clubhouse Manager.
Programme for participants to be handed out when people arrive – JL to supply a photograph.
End of Captain’s term of office - moving to one date across the club
There is a proposal to align the start dates of all three club captains to the spring. JL will continue to be involved in the discussions and, at present, we should continue to plan for the AGM and handover in February 2024.
Honours Boards
It was agreed that we wished to keep all our competitions and events within the seniors and not to incorporate some of them into the club events programme. It was also agreed that we would like more Honours Boards for seniors’ competitions showcased in the clubhouse if this was possible. It was agreed that the GOTY and perhaps the Annual Medal and Rex Cleaver or the Reg Batson would be those we would prefer to put forward for discussion with the club.
Action Points:
- AG to canvas the thoughts of Paul Marshall who had put this idea forward.
- JL to follow up via the Golf Committee
Presentation event/annual dinner
Dave Wood was unable to attend but indicated that he is happy to continue organising whatever event is agreed.
A discussion took place about the results of the survey to members distributed earlier in the year. Do we continue with the current arrangements, separate the presentations from the dinner and have a less formal presentation event, dinner in February, etc?
The responses from the survey covered less than a quarter of members and the views of those who responded were varied with no clear view on what best to do.
The Presentation Dinner in December is a successful event in itself and enjoyed by those who attend and, as the results of the survey were inconclusive, it was agreed to continue with the December Presentation Dinner in its current format. This will be communicated to members via the Newsletter.
Action Point: RWT to contact Dave Wood and confirm the decision. Dave Wood to be asked to organise the event for December along the lines of the previous year.
Roll Up - Scorecards
It was discussed at the previous meeting whether we should make one roll up every month or so an individual Stableford for those who take part to enter a scorecard for handicap purposes. JL had canvassed opinions at several roll ups to favourable responses from those present and views in favour from two members had also been received.
It was agreed to proceed with this for two sessions this year on a trial basis to see if it works. If successful, then around 6 such events would be organised in 2024.
Action Points:
RWT to draft a note which would go to all members, to share with the committee, outlining the proposal and this would also be shared with Gordon, Nigel Tarn and the Golf Committee.
RWT to liaise with Nigel Tarn as to the best way to administer these trial events and inform the roll up organisers of the proposal.
Roll Up – Organiser
The meeting considered the option to delegate the recruitment of volunteers to be an organiser and generating and publishing the organiser rota to an interested senior to lighten the load of the Hon Sec.
This was agreed.
Action Point:
RWT to inform the current roll up organisers and publicise the opportunity via the Newsletter.
None was received not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
Date and time of next meeting
Tuesday 29th August
Thursday 5th October
Tuesday 7th November
Tuesday 16th January 2024