Friday 9 September 2022

Seniors away to Millbrook, September 6 2022

Organiser Malcolm Lee reports

This was the JOG Seniors' first away encounter against The Millbrook GC seniors. The weather forecast was not favourable and we did have a few seconds of rain as we walked to the first tee. However, from then on the weather gods relented and provided ideal golfing conditions. 

To speed up play we had a 2 tee start, 4 groups off the 1st and the second 4 groups off the 10th. Most of our team found the course quite a challenge as many also did negotiating the roadworks and return to school traffic, arriving later than they had expected. By teeing off time, however, all 16 team members had arrived safely. 

Although the yellow tee yardage is 41 yards shorter than the John O'Gaunt course it definitely seemed much longer. Is it because it has 5 par 5 holes ranging from the 428 yarder of the 1st, then with 3 holes over 500 yards 2 of which being 552 and 555 respectively? Much of the course is relatively flat but the 1st, 9th, 10th and 11th being more of an obstacle challenge. Then there are the pothole bunkers...... Tough but most enjoyable. For lunch we were treated to chicken, chips and peas with a full half of chicken per player. Dessert was trifle followed by coffee or tee. Then came the results announcements. Not unexpectedly JOG only managed 2 wins to 6 losses. Those wins being by Bill Walker and Michael Newstead 2 and 1, then a plus 1 win by Richard Herbert and Ian Simpson. A creditable fight by Nick Schumann and Chris Sullivan but going down by minus 1.  

Captain Algy also put up a very good fight with, unfortunately, minimal help by his (unnamed) partner recovering from 4 down on the front 9 with 3 consecutive hole wins making it only 1 down at the turn. After a birdie 2 our opponents on the 10th believed the hole was sure to be theirs only for me with an extra shot to sink my putt for a 3. Our opponents though turned the screws tighter and again got to 4 up. With Algy trying his hardest we won the 16th but we submitted on the 17th losing 3 and 2. Other results were losses of 6 & 5; 6 & 4, 4 & 3 and a 3 & 2, names omitted to spare any blushes. On the 9th my tee shot just failed to reach the plateau then rolling half way down the 45 degree slope. Being "helpful, with his ball being in the trees at the bottom of the slope, my playing opponent took me on the "direct" route to my ball. However, golf trolleys don't seem to like traversing 45 degree slopes and mine started to go around in circles quickly tumbling over. Getting it back up again on that slope was not easy and less easy was then getting it to continue across the slope.

Algy did win the nearest the pin on the 7th with the following 31 players unable to then beat his early posted achievement.

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