Wednesday 21 September 2022

Past Seniors’ Captains Lunch, September 20 2022

Current Seniors Captain Algy, standing, with, clockwise, Colin Poole, Brian Bullen, Bill Walker, Jim Kerr,  Fred Williams, Richard Coventry, Alan Fowler, William Skelding and Club Captain Rob Bage 

Many Senior Section Captains have enjoyed lunch in the Burgoyne Suite since the section was launched in 1977, some 45 years ago, but never before have so many gathered around one table.

The occasion, pictured above, was the first ever lunch for past Captains.

 It was attended by eight past Captains, the current Seniors’ Captain, and guest, Club Captain Rob Bage. Following the meal of Hunters Chicken and a fruit waffle with ice cream, the Seniors’ Captain, Algy Grimes, welcomed everyone to the inaugural lunch, and proposed the loyal toast to the King for the first time. Colin Poole, who was Captain in 2006, proposed a toast to absent friends, not just those unable to attend but also to the many that have now passed away, in particular, Les Tharby, Adrian Bliss, Trevor Hazell and Jim Peacock.

In 2017 Fred Williams was the section Captain and at the time became the longest to serve in the post due to a change in the captain’s year. He was in post for 15 months and very proud of this fact but then along came COVID -19, the result of which was to see the current IPC, Bill Walker, take over this mantle by serving for two years, thus making the current Captain the longest serving Vice Captain!

Club Captain Rob Bage addressed the gathered group and praised the strength of the Section within the club and the organisation of the way it is run. He also discussed his opinion on the long term views for the future wellbeing of the club to ensure its survival and continuation as a premier club for many years to come. He particularly mentioned the work of the Greenkeepers who maintain a very high standard in caring for the most important part of a golf club, the courses.

Finally everyone thanked Alan Fowler, Captain in 2014, for the original thought and organisation of the event, well done Alan. It is now up to surviving past Captains to keep this running as an annual event.

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