Tuesday 19 October 2021

Autumn Singles Stableford Trophy October 19 2021

 John Sandland receives the Autumn Singles Trophy from Seniors Vice Captain Algy Grimes

 Unseasonably warm but blustery weather greeted the 87 seniors taking part in this competition from the John O'Gaunt yellows.

There was no doubting that Autumn had truly arrived as players looked, sometimes unsuccessfully, in the leaves for their balls. Jonathan Lean actually managed to lose his ball marker in the leaves on the seventh green, possibly a first! Consequently the average Stableford score was just under 28 points.

But for some the conditions were a walk in the park. John Sandland, for one, who scored 40 points, three points ahead of second place Nick Seeley on 37. In third place, on 35 points, was David Price. Commiserations to Chris Sullivan, also on 35, who was pipped on countback.

The competition raised £225 for Captain Bill Walker's charity, Macmillan Cancer Support. We hope the news cheers him up as he recovers from a bout of Covid.

Raffle prize winners were Richard Knell, Jim McIlwaine, John Whitbread and Dave Wrench.

Second place Nick Seeley receives his prize from Vice Captain Algy

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