Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Seniors Autumn Stableford - 9th October 2018

High summer returned in mid-October for our Autumn Stableford and it drew 79 entrants (eventually!!) but only 76 returned scores. Two withdrawn injured and one disqualified for not signing his card - I did look for him when I saw that but he'd gone. The Rules of Golf are fiercely applied to all. It's a cruel game! In fact only one player bettered par and only two others matched it. CSS went to 74 (SSS 71). Steve Collins (36) had 17 on the back 9 to snatch 3rd place from Alan Anderson (19 on the back 9) who had to settle for 2nd! David Lincoln could just be seen in the far distance with 39 points and he won the trophy for 2018. Well done David!
Winner - David Lincoln
Third - Steve Collins
Nearest the Pin? Well, thereby hangs a tale! The nearest I heard was Derek Weller with (varying reports) 12 to 24 inches. Sadly for those playing the course from the 1st the marker was brought in by the last group playing from the 10th - the accomplices being as guilty as the perpetrator so, no names no packdrill, eh? It's such a shame because, whilst I'm sure my partner Alan Curtis's ball was only a micron away, mine was actually atop the flagstick so I should have won, and Mr Jarman was definitely nearest the green in our group.

I don't want to 'Bullen' anybody but it might be a 'Smart' move if the guilty parties were to club together and buy Mr Weller a bottle of wine to have 'Whit his Bread'.

Never a dull moment with this crowd!


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