Tuesday 20 June 2017

Senior Section Championship - 13th June 2017

Don't panic! Don't panic! Don't panic Mr Hon Sec! The reason the system isn't showing the winner on countback (3 players on net 72) is that this competition is decided on a sudden-death playoff! Panic! Panic! Panic Mr Hon Sec! Mr (Rob) Anderson has gone home; Dr Lincoln has puts his bats back into safe-keeping and Mr Derek Page is .... oh; there's Mr Page at the bar. Hello? Hello? Get you all back here, suited and booted and ready to do battle again. What's that? Oh thank goodness - the cavalry has arrived in the form of Peter Imray, from the last group. He has beaten the course into submission with a gross 83 (net 69). Phew! 

So Mr Imray peaked at exactly the right time and won BOTH the Rex Cleaver Championship Trophy (net prize) AND the Bessant-East Gross Trophy, winning the latter by only one shot from Derek Page and Ian Simpson, with David Lincoln, Phil White and Jack Shepherd just another shot back. It was a tremendous performance all round with 8 players beating the CSS of 74. 

There was only one downside to the day - a 10, yes that's 10, on the innocuous 14th cost someone 2nd place if it had only been a 6, a play-off if it had been a 5, a WIN if ...... (article ends with sounds of the Hon Sec stomping into the Burgoyne Suite trying to forget everything and focus on the EGM).
Peter Imray
Derek Page
David Lincoln

David Crosby

Hon Sec John O'Gaunt Seniors' Section

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