Wednesday 28 June 2017

Home Match v St Neots - 20th June 2017

The away match was a creditable draw but we managed to improve on the home tie with a 5/3 win. Seniors Captain Fred and organiser John Ellary did not really lead from the front going down 3/2 and the second match faired worse with Richard Coventry and John Gregory losing 5/3 but there were good wins for other pairings to see JOG over the line as victors. Gerry Gentle and Ray Smart 3/1; Keith Fuller and Richard Westergreen-Thorne 5/4 (this pairing 4th time together unbeaten) Terry McSweeney and Neil Pinnington 3/2 plus big wins for Alban MacDonald and Ken Doggrell 5/4 and Dave Evans with Jim Kerr 5/3 winners.

Much hilarity at the post lunch presentations with Dave Evans in cahoots with Jim Kerr trying to mislead the nearest pin winner which turned out to be the ubiquitous Gerry Gentle who features prominently in the near pins whether he is actually present or not!

All enjoyed the cottage pie followed by spotted dick.

Match Organiser John Ellary

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