Monday 12 June 2017

AGENDA: For the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 13th June 2017

John O’Gaunt Golf Club




                  AGENDA: For the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 13th June 2017


1.     Welcome by the Captain

2.     Apologies  received

3.     Explanation of the reason for the change of Financial and Membership Year (Honorary Treasurer)

4.     It is proposed:

·       that the Financial and Membership Year of the Senior Section be changed so that it is aligned with the Financial and Membership Year of the Club and that the Financial Year 2017 be extended to end on 31st December 2017 and that thereafter the Financial Year ends on 31st of December of each subsequent year.

·       and that membership for 2017 be extended to 31st December 2017 and that renewal of membership become due on 1st January 2018 and on 1st January in each subsequent year.

·       and that the AGM for 2017 be moved from December 2017 to February 2018 and that the AGM be held in February in each subsequent year.

·       and that the Officers currently elected for 2017 remain in post until the 2017 AGM which will be held in February 2018.

Proposer:     Les Bolland

Seconder:    Fred Williams

5.     Explanation of and reasons for the proposed “Senior Section Constitution – June 2017” incorporating the changes in year (Honorary Secretary).

6.     It is proposed:

·       that the document “Senior Section Constitution – June 2017” be published and fully replace any previous Senior Section “Rules” document.

Proposer:     David Crosby

Seconder:    Fred Williams

7.     If it is adopted, the “Senior Section Constitution - June 2017” requires that there is a “Competitions List” and that any changes to that list be approved by a General Meeting of voting members. In response to a request for a new trophy to be awarded in memory of Martin Ives, the Committee wish to institute a new trophy. It is therefore proposed:

    that a “Senior Section Memorial Trophy” be instituted for the 2018 season to be awarded to a golfer achieving a significant improvement over the season.

    and that the Committee are authorised to acquire such a trophy and to develop the precise conditions under which the trophy shall be awarded for approval by the voting members at the 2018 AGM



8.    It is proposed that the document “Competitions List 2018” be approved as the current Competitions List until and unless amended at a future AGM.



9.     Closing remarks (Seniors Section Captain Fred Williams)

10.  End of Meeting

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