Thursday 1 June 2017

Home Match v South Beds - 30th May 2017

This year's home match against South Beds Vets was held in mainly sunny weather with only a short shower to hamper progress late in the round. The match was played from white tees on the Carthagena course which was in excellent condition and received good comments from S.Beds players. 

There were some very close matches with half of them being decided on the 18th green. Fred Williams and Nick Seeley halved when the opposition sank a 15 foot putt for a par and Nick's putt stopped on the edge of the hole, I reckon  at least half of the ball was hanging over the hole, but it did not drop. Keith Fuller and Ray Smart also halved their match.

The immediate past Captain and the Captain of Vice (Jims Peacock & Kerr) lost by 1 hole while Brian Bullen and Bill Walker won by 1 hole to even things up. There were good wins for Bob Anderson & Terry McSweeney (6&5), Gerry Gentle & Mike Newstead (4&3) and John Ellary & Chris Roy (also 4&3). The remaining match was a 4&2 loss by Malcolm Falconer and Bernard Gurney. The final result was a fine 5-3 win for John o' Gaunt seniors. The JoG nearest the pin prize was won by Bill Walker. 

The away match is Wednesday 20th September, unfortunately a 12:00 start due to S.Beds constraints. Unfortunately Fred will be on holiday so I will have the pleasure of Jim Kerr's company for the re-match. 

If anyone has any jokes for Fred, please let him know, the Thailand lottery joke is now past it's sell by date!
Nick Seeley - Organiser.

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