Tuesday 24 October 2023

TSB Trophy October 24 2023

 Jonathan Lean presents Nathan Church with the TSB Trophy

Seniors Captain Jonathan Lean reports on the annual match between the Seniors and Juniors

On a decidedly cool, damp and grey morning, 10 intrepid seniors presented themselves for potential humiliation at the hands of the Junior section.  Thankfully, our Competitions Secretary had pity on us and moved the start time back 20 minutes so we could start in full daylight and enjoy an extra few minutes in bed!

The tone was set when, on arrival, some seniors were enjoying the likes of bacon baps and coffee whereas the juniors were limbering up in the nets!

Captain Jonathan Lean was paired with Algy Grimes against the current Junior captain, Nathan Church (HI 5.3) and Charlie Cunningham (HI 19).  Charlie informed us, having creamed his 3 wood a good 200 yards down the middle of the first, that he had only taken up the game 4 months previously!  This was slightly softened by his admission later that he used to play when he was 7 years old but gave up as he did not think he was good enough.

Algy and I thought that we would start with a win on the first as Nathan managed to find the trees on the right with his drive.  Algy unfortunately found Nathan’s ball after about 2 minutes 59 seconds and then Nathan chipped out and got up and down for a par to halve the hole.

Nathan managed to birdie the 3rd to go 1 up but then Algy and I entered that ever-narrowing window of opportunity between being warmed up and worn out whereby we managed to win 3 holes in a row to go 2 up after 7.  This was short lived bliss as we then lost 3 holes in a row.  Nathan and Charlie managed to hold onto this lead until the 17th where Nathan birdied for a 2 and 1 win.  A thoroughly enjoyable game.

Second out were John Church and Andy Brown against William Gilbert and Chloe Church.  Spot the surnames?!!  There was a rumour, strongly denied, that John Church had a foot in both camps!  Two grandchildren playing for the Juniors must have given him divided loyalties.

My words of instruction to Andy Brown ‘show them no mercy’ fell on deaf ears though as Andy got par on the first 4 holes but the team was still 4 down at this stage.  They lost the 5th also so it is some sort of credit to the seniors that, being 5 down after 5 holes they eventually only managed to lose 6 and 5.  Chloe Church sealed the win on the 13th with a 3 net 1!

Celia and Greg Whitecross challenged marital harmony by agreeing to play together against Lucy Edwards and Ryan Brister.  There was a suggestion that Celia was perhaps ineligible to play for the seniors because of age but a quick check of her birth certificate cleared her.

There was little detail given about this match except Lucy obviously played very well and complained of ‘sore shoulders’ having carried Ryan to a 4 and 3 win.

3 down after 3 matches.  This could get embarrassing!

David Crosby and Bill Walker played against Georgia Gordon and Harry Smead.  Despite Bill having a bit of a senior moment picking his ball up thinking that the hole was halved but actually he had to sink the putt to halve the hole, David and Bill managed a win, triumphing 3 and 2.

Bringing up the rear were Michael Newstead and Graham Gadsden against Ixie Akpan (HI 1.4!) and Albert Watts.  Little detail was forthcoming about this match.  Perhaps Graham’s normally loud trousers put their opponents off but some pride was restored with the Seniors winning 4 and 3.

So, the overall score was Juniors 3 – Seniors 2.  Not a whitewash.  Just a thoroughly enjoyable morning’s golf.

The TSB Trophy was duly presented to the Junior Captain, Nathan Church.  I noted that the last time that the Seniors won was 2018!  I look forward to trying again next year.

Hot on the heels of the match was a final match in one of the Ladies’ singles competitions.  Lorna Jerome has asked me to thank all the seniors and juniors who allowed this match to play through.

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