Tuesday 3 October 2023

Seniors away to Northampton October 2 2023

 Organiser Algy Grimes reports

After a leisurely start to the day, deciding which way to go was the first decision of the day. Most chose the M1 as directed by Sat Navs! Apart from a road closure near the course it proved a very simple journey. 

Come the arrival time  we had a full team. We were all there before our opponents and, following coffee (and one or two had bacon sandwiches), introductions were made. This started with confusion over our organiser's name, Algae seemed a popular way of pronouncing it rather than Algy, but in calling out my name their Captain looked at Jonathan!! As it happened this was Jonathan's last match as Captain so we didn't want to let him down on such a day.

Looking at the start sheet both teams were receiving 58 shots, so a well matched group of pairings. The first group teed off at the 11am allotted time in very nice weather which proved to be warmer than first thought, so sweaters were soon discarded. The first hole led to both Jonathan and myself losing balls and subsequently the hole. The second hole is a par three over water (and rocks). Again both of us found the water edge via the rocks, although retrieving both balls we were soon two down. Back to one down on the next, a par 5, but we reverted to type by losing the next two. The first half came on the sixth but it felt like a win because one opponent had a shot. Quickly followed by a second half, a loss and win by Jonathan we were three down at the turn. However, the 10th saw us lose due to their extra shot. Now four down we pulled it back to three down on the 13th, but unfortunately that is where the fightback stalled and we lost 3 & 2. (We then played the 17th and 18th well, but it was too late!).

Sam Standen and Steve Collins were next in with a good 2 & 1 win (Steve did remark it was nice to have 7 shots for a change! Also that his 'phone said he had walked 18,000 steps) With a shot disadvantage the next group of Andy Shilton and Barry Donovan won by a 'dog licence' 7 & 6, this meant they played to 4 under on the day. Then came Ian Riches and Chris Dennis with a very good 5 & 3 win. The next three matches were all halved which meant we were going to win as our lead was 4.5 to 2.5, they then won the last group so the final result was 4.5 to 3.5 win for JOG. That made us only the second team to beat them at home. What a good result for Jonathan's last match.

The meal of Hunter's Chicken and Chips followed by Lemon Tart went down well with clean plates on most tables. Being Jonathan's last opportunity, he chose to tell two jokes, one many had heard before but the second one was new and very good. Well done Jonathan.

The results being;

Jonathan Lean and Algy Grimes - Lost 3 & 2

Sam Standen and Steve Collins - Won 2 & 1

Andy Shilton and Barry Donovan - Won 7 & 6

Ian Riches and Chris Dennis - Won 5 & 3

Chris Roy and Rob Ebsworth - Halved

Rafe Bateson and Terry Domagala - Halved

Fred Williams and Paul Jones - Halved

David Crosby and Michael Newstead - Lost 3 & 2

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