Tuesday 25 April 2023

Seniors at home to Cambridge Country Club April 25, 2023

Organiser Derek Young reports

Our annual trial of trying to pry the "Scroll" from the Cambridge Country Club (Bourn Golf Club) got underway today. A bright sunny start was matched with a one or two degree temperature. It has to be said that our visitors were, like ourselves, impressed with the condition of the course and we sometimes need reminding by a visitor how lucky we are. 
The match was played in good humour and the majority of games were decided by only a few holes. As the pairings arrived in with their score cards it was evident that, unlike last year, this was going to be a close one. In fact it went down to the last pair of Paul Jones and Trevor Darrington whose win on the eighteenth secured a worthy draw.
The highlight for the visitors was Dave Richie getting a HOLE IN ONE on the tenth and was greeted with plenty of back slapping.
As in the past, a well earned thank you to Amy and her team who fed and watered us well and everyone enjoyed the Roast Beef.  
We visit them in July, still in hot pursuit of the "Scroll".

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