Wednesday 5 April 2023

Home match against Aspley Guise April 4, 2023


Acting Captain Richard Westergreen-Thorne, left, on the Carthagena 4th green

 Richard Westergreen-Thorne reports

What a difference a week makes. After playing in constant rain in our match last week we were treated to some glorious sunshine for the game with Aspley Guise.

Our Match Organiser, Jim Kerr, is currently injured, but he did us proud by setting everything up for the match and turning up first thing to distribute the cards and make sure everything was alright. This led to probably the earliest presentation of a bottle of wine in appreciation ever by the seniors as I, as stand in Captain, presented it to Jim at 8.10am. A bit early in the day to drink it but thanks Jim.

It was cold but with clear skies as we set off and it soon warmed up to be great golfing weather. No wind and true fast greens remarked upon by all players from both clubs when we assembled at the end of the day. The result was tight with Andy Lawrence and I managing to claw back from 1 down after 14 holes to win 2 and 1 and then the other results gradually came in.  We lost match 2, won match 3, lost match 4 and won matches 5 and 6 . Unfortunately, we could not quite get over the line and Aspley Guise managed to win the last two matches to give us a 4 – 4 draw overall. A result well received by all involved at the end of the meal that followed.

We will be at Aspley Guise before the end of the month to play the return leg when Captain Jonathan Lean will take back the reins. For me it was a draw in my first match as acting Captain and a well received joke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pray tell what was the joke….