Wednesday 5 April 2023

Notes of the Senior Section Committee Meeting 23 March 2023


Notes of the Senior Section Committee Meeting

23 March 2023


Algy Grimes (AG), Jonathan Lean (JL), Barry Donovan (BD), Richard Westergreen – Thorne (RWT), Tony Lloyd (TL) Andy Shilton (AS)

Minutes previous and matters arising

The minutes previous were approved.

TL provided a brief outline of the Prostate Day arrangements and senior section involvement.

Captain (JL)

I tabled ‘discussion notes’ regarding the participation of ladies in Seniors’ events at the Golf Committee meeting on 7th February. These notes have already been circulated to this committee.

The outcome of the discussion at the Golf Committee Meeting was that there was a general consensus that it was good to start having this sort of discussion around the table.  We are moving in the direction of equal opportunities for both (or should I say all) genders! There was a suggestion that although there is a Senior Ladies squad, they only have a very few matches, and they are keen to play in more if possible. It was suggested that in the future we could designate some of our matches as ‘mixed matches ‘depending on the responses we get from the clubs we play against regarding the possibility of ladies being included in our squads.

My suggestion for the time being is for Richard WT to contact all the clubs (or you if that is more appropriate) and advise them that there is a possibility of ladies being in our squad and see what the reactions are.  If any club comes back and rejects this then we can just make sure that we do not include any ladies in that match.  If any of them are happy then we can possibly select ladies for these matches if any of them put their names down. From next year onwards the suggestion is that we can designate 4 of our 13 matches ad ‘mixed’ matches.

There has been a reaction from some of the senior men who are refusing to play alongside ladies in competitions. We need to have a consensus on how to handle this situation. (see agenda item below)

Plans are well advanced for the Charity week and also the Club’s 75th anniversary celebrations week in June. More details to follow when all arrangements are finalised.

JL also updated the committee on the progress of the arrangements for the club's 75th anniversary events having recently attended a meeting of the planning committee.

Vice Captain (RWT)

RWT updated the committee on his engagement with fellow members who are currently not playing.

Immediate Past Captain (AG)


Nothing to report.

Treasurer's Report (BD)

BD outlined what he has done since the last meeting. This included familiarising himself with the accounts and the transactions involved in the competitions and matches. He has also been looking at the cash flow during the year and estimating what the end of year balance will be based upon assumptions regarding income and expenditure in competitions and matches.

Of particular importance to our finances this year are the Member and Guest Day, Senior Captains Day, Christmas Fayre and Christmas Dinner where subsidies are traditionally given towards the cost of the food and, in the case of the Dinner, the cost of the meal for invited guests such as the staff.

The increased cost of food has increased our costs this year for matches and the numbers entering competitions look likely to be larger than in previous years but it is still early days for us to be able to have a clear estimate of income from competition fees. BD outlined that the finances look tight this year and he will circulate some documents to the committee when he has done further work on them and this can be discussed in more detail at the next meeting.

It was agreed that we would need to increase the cost of playing in the three events that are currently subsidised due to the rising cost of food and potential impact upon our finances.

All three are a shotgun start with a limited field and so we cannot increase numbers taking part in order to for us to increase income.

It was agreed that Senior Captains Day entry fee should rise to £10, Xmas Fayre rise to £10 and the member and Guest Day to £35 per team.

Action point:

Subsidies and prices for these events to be an agenda item at the next meeting and, in the meantime, RWT to flag up the anticipated entry costs in the Newsletter.

Hon. Secretary (RWT)

Since we last met the membership numbers have continued to increase at a rate of around one a week. It is currently 254 with a further couple of ex-players who also receive the newsletter. There are 8 Ladies as members and I think one or two more who are engaged but through their husbands/partners email account.

When anyone asks to join us, I have continued previous practice to send them a welcome email and an offer to follow up with a chat and to arrange a game if they would like to do this. This year I am now able to add for people who are not known to us contact with one of the three members who have offered to help with the new member liaison role. They have had 9 people to contact in total so far and it seems to have proved very useful A couple of those they have spoken to have become engaged with us and others are interested but still working, etc. I have arranged with the three taking on this role to take stock of where we are in a couple of months.

I have removed several names from the mailing list where I know people have left the club but will go through the club membership list more systematically now the membership is known for the year.

There has been a lot of interest in the additional match with Brocket Hall and it has opened up the possibility of further afternoon matches and this is on the agenda as part of our review of the calendar for 2024. There are a number of other points to consider regarding the calendar for 2024 and I need to make good progress on it shortly so that we are in synch with other clubs deliberations.

I have recently sent an email with our contact details to the other clubs we play and referred to our gender-neutral status as we agreed at our last meeting. I can update you on the responses during the gender-neutral agenda item.

I was pleased to see the level of response from members when we needed to get extra players for the 4BBB and now that we have started our season of matches and competitions, I hope to see good numbers looking at the blog to keep up to date with what is going on.

Other matters are considered elsewhere on the agenda.

Competition Secretary (TL)

The Green Tilley and Foursomes knockouts opened on the day of the AGM and caused immediate interest, with two ladies signing up for the foursomes for the first time. This led to a little confusion as we considered how to run the knockouts from red and yellow tees. Eventually, after seeking advice, we arrived at what we hope will be a workable solution. i.e the same rules as the Fletcher Cup and President’s Cup.

Fifty-two signed up for the Foursomes and 82 for the Green Tilley. The draw for both was conducted on March 7 along with the draw for the 4BBB.

The mixed greensomes with the ladies was due to take place on March 9 but had to be cancelled when the course was closed due to snow. Forty ladies and 40 seniors had entered but their fees were reimbursed. Fortunately, as the decision was beyond our control, we did not have to pay for the cake. It is hoped we can rearrange the match for later in the year, although the crowded calendar may make this difficult.

The 4BBB Trophy on March 14 filled up very quickly, soon reaching the maximum 92 including, again for the first time, two ladies. There were a handful of withdrawals, but the reserve list kept the start sheet full. There were two further withdrawals on the eve of the competition and one on the morning of the competition. Following an appeal by RWT we just got over the line. Thanks to those who stepped forward at the last minute. The competition itself was played in fine weather and was won by Chris Saunders and David Wrench.

The Rex Bullock Trophy, to be played on April 11, was so popular that the initial cap of 102 had to be increased to 120 by adding earlier and later tee times. At the last count 111 players had signed up, justifying our decision to maximise the number of available tee times by making it a one tee start. If, as we hope, interest in competitions remains high, we will continue with one-tee starts where appropriate and monitor the situation.

The Brocket Hall matches opened for entries on March 5 and 31 players quickly signed up.

The Swap Day with St Ives. The entry list of 40 is full, with two on the reserve list.

Jock Allan Prostate Cancer Charity Day While not a seniors event, I have been helping Bill Walker, Algy Grimes and David Barlow with IG sign-up. At the last count, there were 70 entries, with the hope that a last-minute publicity drive would attract a few more.

Action Point

It looks unlikely that we can find a mutually agreeable date to rearrange the Greensomes and TL will propose to the Ladies section that it be cancelled for 2023.

Match Secretaries Report (AS)

Matches are now underway with our first game against Beds & County played on Tuesday 21st ending with a positive 5-3 result and a good joke.  Next match Saffron Walden at home next Tuesday (28th).

 We have had a very strong sign up of 60 players and the availability is such that all matches are oversubscribed with the lowest at 22 players available for 20 places.  Due to the level of sign up the availability/selection ratio is between 50 and 60% which is less than historically the case.  This has also made the selection process quite difficult and required many iterations.   I decided to do the selection for the whole season as most people had put availability in for the entire season.  This made it easier to ensure fairness.  But I have stated that only batch 1 is confirmed and batches 2 and 3 are provisional.

 There were several players that didn’t put in for equal availability of home and away and some rather heavily skewed to away games.  All have been written to and responded appropriately.

 As usual no sooner was the selection made than people started dropping out.  There has been something like 13 withdrawals notified within a week of publishing.  So already the data is starting to look skewed.  This is a reality. 

 We have settled on a price of £24 to try to keep the costs reasonable.  By way of comparison Beds & County players were charged £17 on Tuesday up from £16.50 last year.  The menu is I think satisfactory with how and cold options available.

 The work with Alban Macdonald to develop a better way of managing teams is now live and I used it in earnest for the selection.  This was a bit painful as we worked our way through the issues.  It is certainly now for a PC user a better tool for looking at what you have been selected for.  However, it still doesn’t work well on a mobile (the temporary filters are not supported on mobile), so we have left the original reporting tool live for mobile users.  Use of this version has dropped down considerably and the initial problem of multiple users has settled as traffic has reduced.  From the Match Secretary perspective, it is now working fine but you do need to be comfortable in the tech space to manage it.   

 On a side note, sales of new 75th anniversary Senior Jumpers seems to have been strong as many were on display on Tuesday.

 AS and Alban MacDonald (AM) were thanked for their considerable efforts with the new selection matrix.

 Action Point:

 JL to present AM with a gift in recognition of his efforts on behalf of the seniors.

Annual Dinner and Presentation of Trophies 2023

 Dave Wood (DW) attended for this item.

 The Annual Dinner in December is where we have traditionally presented our trophies to competition winners. The majority of members who attend are competition winners and last year we did not fill all 80 spaces available with winners, invited club staff and other senior members. Discussion took place about the reasons for this. For example, does the presentation element discourage other seniors from attending or is there only a limited interest in such an event? 

Action Point

 DW and TL to produce a questionnaire for all members to gauge views on the options open to us in 2023:

-          Keep the event as it is and encourage more members to attend

-          Have just a presentation event and discontinue the dinner

-          Have a separate dinner and presentation event and if this was the preferred option consider some form of entertainment at the dinner

Once ready to be sent to members to be distributed via the newsletter.

 It was agreed that trophy winners can keep their trophy when they receive it until Oct/Nov when DW will ask for it back for engraving. It will then be formally presented at the Dinner/Presentation Evening when winners can then take home again until it is required for the next year’s competition.

Gender neutral status

Following discussion it was agreed that it is early days for ladies being involved in seniors competitions and that the committee should monitor entries from ladies and communications from individual seniors. Currently a small number of ladies have entered our competitions that have been open and none have put themselves forward to play in matches.

When RWT circulated the fact that we are a gender-neutral section to the clubs we play in matches one raised an objection and the others were either positive or did not specifically respond.

To be returned to at the next meeting.

Calendar 2024 

RWT is currently working on the 2024 calendar.

RWT had circulated in advance of the meeting a number of options for the 2024 calendar and some have  already been agreed regarding possible dates and days for competitions with, for example, the Ladies section and the Junior section.

It was agreed that we should look to play Brocket Hall in 2024 as an afternoon match again and look to see if we could add one or two more Monday afternoon fixtures along similar lines with new clubs. Given the increase in membership this would give more members the option of playing matches.

Newmarket have been unable to agree to the proposed Swap day with them in 2024 and so we need to find another club to swap with.

Action Points:

JL to discuss additional afternoon fixtures with The Club Manager with a view to raise as an agenda item at the next club Golf Committee.

RWT to circulate other clubs with the potential offer of a Swap Day and/or an afternoon fixture and a number of clubs were discussed as possibilities to approach.

Staggered Start

RWT circulated a draft paper regarding a staggered start arrangement for home matches. A number of amendments were suggested and RWT will circulate a second draft to the committee.

Action Point

At the appropriate time JL will table the proposal at a club Golf Committee meeting.


-          Committee 2024


Action Point:

It was agreed that RWT will put a note in the Newsletter inviting members to come forward if they are interested in becoming involved in helping with the organisation of seniors events. There is a need to make changes within the committee for 2024, for example, RWT will stand down as Hon Sec when he becomes Captain. There are also plenty of other roles outside of the committee where members can be involved and help.


-          Past Senior Captains Lunch

 Action Point:

JL to follow up and report back at the next meeting

Date and time of next meeting  

Thursday 13th April

Thursday 4th May

Thursday 20th July

Tuesday 29th August

Thursday 5th October

Tuesday 7th November

Tuesday 16th January 2024







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