Wednesday 12 April 2023

Rex Bullock Shield April 11, 2023

Seniors Captain Jonathan Lean presents winner Andy Brown with the Rex Bullock Shield

The Seniors competition calendar got under way in earnest with the Rex Bullock Shield, the first of nine qualifiers for the Golfer of the Year Competition.

Played on the John O’Gaunt course, the Rex Bullock was won by Andy Brown with 38 points. His score included birdies on the 8th, 10th and 16th.

In second place, on 37 points, was Paul Hammond with another birdie fest on the 1st, 7th and 10th. And in third place, with 36 points was Jed Isbell.

The day began with bright spring sunshine and most of the 99 entrants enjoyed pleasant conditions before rain set in later in the day.

Scoring was relatively low with the John O’Gaunt playing rather long after the recent rainy spell. Less than a third of the field scored 30 points or more.

Raffle prizes were won by Derek Weller, David Trotter, Kevin Cocker and Sam Standen.

Second place: Paul Hammond

First group on the first tee: Peter Jarman, Paul Jeeves and Keith Hargreaves

You can see the first GOTY table after this first event of the year by clicking the link below. 

Your best 6 results from the 9 qualifying competitions in the calendar year 2023 count towards the Order of Merit.
20 points are awarded for winning a competition, 19 points for second etc down to 1 point for 20th place.
All players will be awarded 1 point for entering and completing the competition.
Don’t forget that when it comes to the popular Christmas Fayre Competition, where numbers are restricted, priority will be given to those with the most number of GOTY entries.

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