Friday, 28 April 2023
Seniors away to Aspley Guise, Thursday April 27 2023
Tuesday, 25 April 2023
Seniors at home to Cambridge Country Club April 25, 2023
Organiser Derek Young reports
Saturday, 22 April 2023
Notes of the Senior Section Committee Meeting April 13, 2023
Algy Grimes (AG), Jonathan Lean (JL), Barry Donovan (BD), Richard Westergreen – Thorne (RWT), Tony Lloyd (TL)
Andy Shilton (AS)
Justin Thomas (JT)
JT (Club Vice Captain) attended the meeting for this item and discussed a number of topics of mutual interest including the club’s 75th Anniversary events and seniors’ competitions and presentations.
Minutes previous and matters arising
Several Action Points from last time were confirmed:
- JL to present AM with a gift in recognition of his efforts on behalf of the seniors – in hand
- Annual Dinner DW and TL to produce a questionnaire for all members to gauge views on the options open to us in 2023: Sent to members this week and responses are due by the end of the month.
- JL to discuss additional afternoon fixtures with The Club Manager with a view to raise as an agenda item at the next club Golf Committee. See Captain’s Report.
- RWT to circulate other clubs with the potential offer of a Swap Day and/or an afternoon fixture and a number of clubs were discussed as possibilities to approach.
See Calendar agenda item.
- It was agreed that RWT will put a note in the Newsletter inviting members to come forward if they are interested in becoming involved in helping with the organisation of senior’s events.
Apart from AG expressing an interest in becoming Match Secretary there were no other responses. AG was thanked for his interest and RWT will follow up with other committee members as to next steps with other posts.
Captain (JL)
There appears to have been very little take-up of the opportunity for ladies to participate in Seniors events. Only 1 entry in the Rex Bullock and only 1 so far in the Annual Medal.
I had a meeting with Gordon to discuss various issues. I passed him a copy of the document RWT prepared regarding Staggered Starts for matches and advised him that we intend to continue to request two-tee starts for early matches. He recommended that we wait until the new Governance documents are finished and accepted by the officers of the club which will probably be at the meeting after next of the Golf committee.
I asked Gordon about the possibility of arranging additional matches for coming years. He is very supportive of having as many matches as possible against other clubs, particularly if they are ‘prestigious’ clubs such as Brocket Hall or Woburn. Available dates for home matches might be an issue unless we look at days other than Tuesdays. Reduced size teams with a lunchtime start is a definite possibility.
There are now new JOG Rules of Competition Entry and Conduct. Details were circulated separately. There is now a proposal to increase the Club Honours Board competition entry fee to £5 from the current £4. The Ladies’ captain has proposed that they raise the competition entry fee for all Club Honours Board events and any other competitions administered by the Club, from £4 to £5. We do not have to follow this as our competitions are not ‘administered by the Club’ but it is likely that we will need to follow this lead as we have with the current £4 entry fee. This could impact the raffle and captain’s charity funds.
Many thanks to Richard Westergreen-Thorne for standing in for me in the Aspley Guise match. An honourable draw.
Action Point
It was agreed that JL should communicate with the club our desire to maintain a £5 competition entry fee for 2023 and to explain the reasons why.
Vice-Captain (RWT)
RWT updated the committee on his communications with fellow seniors.
Immediate Past Captain (AG)
AG outlined the arrangements for the Swap Day at St Ives which he is organising and a discussion took place about some of the arrangements for the day.
Treasurer's Report (BD)
The 2023 budget has now been set and will be used by the officers to control the financial aspects of this years extensive programme. Our current projections provide a small surplus for the year. The budget process also allows the committee consider with confidence additional activities - such as the new afternoon matches.
During the coming year I aim to improve the book keeping system used by the section to help make monthly and annual reporting of actual activities against plans easier to produce. The role of Treasurer should not be about producing financial statements - it should be more focused on helping the section’s financial ambitions materialise.
Our current financial position is strong and we are well placed to face the significant cash movements driven by our hectic programme.
BD also supplied the committee with the latest budget and cash flow figures and projections.
BD was thanked for his hard work in putting our accounts on to the new system.
Honorary Secretary’s Report (RWT)
Every time I think that the numbers joining the seniors has tailed off, we get another flurry of new joiners. At present these new members who join us are mainly new members to the club and people reaching the ‘magic age’ and average about one or two a week in total. Gordon and Wendy are very good at passing on names and introductions to me and there are a couple of new members looking to come along to the roll up in the next couple of weeks. Our total is currently just under 260 receiving the newsletter which has a total circulation of around 270 each week.
Much of my time recently has been spent working on the calendar for 2024 and this is covered in a separate agenda item. One matter to signpost is that whilst there are still a few pieces of the jigsaw to put into place it looks as if we can get some movement in the distribution of home and away matches with other clubs at the end of the season.
Our first match with Brocket Hall, incidentally also our first afternoon match with a light meal to follow, was a success. The weather was good and players on both sides enjoyed the opportunity. Brocket Hall are currently trying to revamp their seniors and organise more opportunities for their members and they are keen to play us again next year on the same basis. Once we have confirmed a few matters regarding the 2024 calendar at this meeting I will get back to them and offer some dates.
Our Swap Day with St Ives will soon be upon us and Mike Tipper is primed to meet the St Ives players at JOG at 9.00am on the day to make them welcome. Hopefully, it will be a good day for both sets of players.
Dave Wood and Tony Lloyd drafted a questionnaire to members about options for our presentation event and dinner at the end of the year and, following a note asking for help in the Newsletter, Keith Howlett came forward and set one up for us. Tony and I can provide an update at the meeting and it should be ready to go out to members shortly.
I start each week wondering what to put in the Newsletter and by the end of the week it is another bumper edition. It seems to have taken on a life of its own and I still get a few responses each week to items we have included in it.
Competition Secretary’s Report (TL)
Mixed Greensomes with the Ladies
As discussed last month, it proved impossible to find a date to replay this competition and the Ladies’ Section agreed with the decision to cancel.
Rex Bullock Trophy
The Rex Bullock Trophy was won by Andy Brown with 38 points. In second place on 37 points was Paul Hammond and in third place, on 36 points, was Jed Isbell. Scoring was relatively low following the recent prolonged rainy period. Less than a third of the field scored 30 points or more. After very high initial uptake for this competition there were a number of withdrawals for a variety of reasons, mostly health related, and numbers settled down to 99 entrants.
I had to miss this due to family reasons and am very grateful to everyone who covered in my absence.
Swap Day with St Ives
There were a number of withdrawals due to various reasons but an appeal by RWT resulted in the number of entrants remaining at 40 with another week to go to the competition.
Annual Medal & Jubilee Cup
Promising numbers for this competition with 96 entries at the time of writing this report. The option remains to increase the number of slots to 120 if necessary.
Jock Allan Prostate Cancer Charity Day
A significant number of senior section entries helped make this a successful day, raising £5,300 for the charity.
Ken Robinson Scramble
At the time of writing 78 seniors were signed up for this competition which is limited to 92 entrants
Golfer of the Year Competition
Competition set up to coincide with Rex Bullock, first of our qualifiers, thanks to JL for setting this up.
There was a discussion about competition entry fees and whether, and under what circumstances, they should be returned to players who withdraw from the event.
Action Point
It was agreed that the fairest way to deal with this was to keep with the 72-hour rule, whereby, unless in exceptional circumstances, only players who withdraw more than 72 hours prior to a competition should have their entry fee returned. TL to follow this through when dealing with withdrawals from competitions.
Match Secretary’s Report (AS)
We are now well into the first batch of matches which have gone off without major incident. The odd player forgetting they were selected until being phoned on the morning of the match being the only significant one that comes to mind. Since the last report we have played 2 home matches, Saffron Walden (won 7-1), and Aspley Guise (Drawn 4-4). We also played our first afternoon match against Brocket Hall with sandwiches and chips to follow the 4-2 defeat. A very well received format that we will be looking to do more of against other prestige clubs. It is understood that the quality of joke told at all matches this season has been of the highest standard.
We had a high level of withdrawals for the Aspley Guise match with 8 players (that were selected as either playing or reserve), dropping out. Fortunately, we had enough cover to field a team so thanks to the players that stepped in, and a note in dispatches for Jim Kerr who still acted as organiser even though he was injured and couldn’t play.
We have 3 more matches before the end of the month so it will be a busy time.
I have had some feedback that some players hadn’t put their full season availability in and might be missing out on getting selected when we had to select for the whole season. Where I’ve had that message, I’ve asked them to let me know their availability so that if any opportunity arises, I can slot them in.
Calendar 2024
RWT circulated a draft copy of the 2024 calendar and asked members of the committee to look through it over the next few days to see if they notice any issues, omissions, etc.
RWT highlighted where he had got to with the calendar and the things that need to be confirmed and agreed before completion. Much of the calendar is in place but, from experience, the last few pieces of the jigsaw always take time to confirm. He will speak with Nigel Tarn shortly to confirm with him a number of points.
Action Point
There was a discussion about clubs to approach regarding future Swap Days and afternoon matches. A list was completed and RWT will contact these clubs and report back on the response at the next meeting.
Staggered Start
A minor amendment was suggested.
It was confirmed that JL will circulate the draft paper at the right time and the copy that he currently holds will be the Master Copy.
Reg Batson Trophy
Peter Imray had contacted the committee to suggest that, as numbers entering seniors competitions was now higher, the numbers allowed to take part in the Reg Batson be increased from the top 30 (and ties) from the Annual Medal and Rex Cleaver combined to the top 40 – plus the Senior Captain and previous winner unless already selected.
This was agreed by the committee.
Action Point
RWT to circulate this information to all members via the Newsletter and TL to amend the information on the sign-up page for the competition on the club website.
Date and time of next meeting
Thursday 4th May
Thursday 20th July
Tuesday 29th August
Thursday 5th October
Tuesday 7th November
Tuesday 16th January 2024
Thursday, 20 April 2023
Seniors at home to Wellingborough April 18, 2023
Organiser Neil Pinnington reports
It would have been a beautiful spring day were it not for the biting nor'easterly gusting across the Carthagena Course. These conditions seemed to suit our Captain and me. We rained down par after par on their Seniors Captain and his partner Andrew.
Even more unfortunately for them, Andrew was suffering from a bad back that severely hampered his golf swing. He said it normally wore off after 4 or 5 holes. However this did not happen. On the seventh green he retired hurt (after our Captain had chipped in from off the back of the green for yet another par to put us seven up).
Their Captain did battle on alone for the next three holes, until the game came to its inevitable conclusion on the tenth green.
The following five games kept the match incredibly tight. Each result alternated such that the JOG lead was lost, regained and then lost again. Three of the games went all the way to the eighteenth green before being decided.
Congratulations to Rob Ebsworth & Tony Goodson. Commiserations to Algy & Fred and to Chris Roy & Ken Brewer. Congratulations to Ian Maddison & Rafe Bateson who had a comfortable 3&2 win.
Special commiserations must go to Nigel Underwood & Oz Osman. Last year, I had been the subject of Bob Anderson's wrath for sending him out for a second time against a certain 30 handicap player from Wellingborough when Bob had to give him 19 shots. That same fate befell Nigel and Oz this year. Again that Wellingborough player not only played consistently throughout but this time was receiving 22 shots. Despite their best efforts Nigel and Oz lost 2&1, which was an honourable result under the circumstances.
So, after 6 games the match was tied 3-3. Luckily, I had backloaded the team with the golfing talents of Andy Shilton, Gerry Degaute, Richard Westergreen-Thorne and Nick Schumann. This meant we rounded out the match with two magnificent 4&2 wins.
The overall result was a 5-3 win for John O'Gaunt. No doubt Wellingborough are already plotting their revenge for the return match in August.
Monday, 17 April 2023
St Ives Swap Day April 17 2023
On the first tee: Richard Herbert, Trevor Darrington, St Ives President Roger Bishop, Jonathan Lean and Fred Williams
Forty of John O'Gaunt's finest made the trip to St Ives Golf Club for our swap day where we were welcomed by Club President Roger Bishop.
Early conversation centred on the inadequacy of car sat-navs in finding the place but we were soon distracted by the view from their modern clubhouse of their links-style course with its "one tree".
Playing four ball better ball in 10 groups, we were led off by Seniors Captain Jonathan Lean.
The competition was played in warm spring sunshine but the course was playing rather long after recent prolonged rainfall.
In first place, with 40 points, were Richard Herbert and Trevor Darrington, while in second, on 39 points, were Paul Life and Tony Whittaker. In third, on 38 points, were Peter Salmon and Paul Beck. Notably, six other pairs also scored 38 points but were beaten on countback.
Fred Williams won nearest the pin after being the first player in the first group to hit the green.
The golf was followed by an enjoyable meal of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding followed by fruit crumble and ice cream.
Their President, Roger Bishop, who joined us for the meal, presented Jonathan with a book on the history of St Ives GC and a flag marking their centenary year.
Winners Richard Herbert and Trevor Darrington with Seniors Captain Jonathan Lean
Second place: Paul Life and Tony Whittaker
Third place: Peter Salmon and Paul Beck
Nearest the pin: Fred Williams
Full results
Wednesday, 12 April 2023
End of Year Celebrations Survey
We traditionally hold an Annual Dinner in December where we also recognise the winners during the year of our competitions. In practice, most of those who attend are our trophy winners and so we wondered if we should make a change for 2023.
The Seniors Committee is considering changing the format of our end-of-year celebrations so that everyone can take part. This could involve inviting winners and their partners to a presentation evening but adding another event as a dinner for all members, perhaps with some form of entertainment, so that we can all get together in a social setting.
complete the Survey by 30 April and we will update you of the results via the
Rex Bullock Shield April 11, 2023
Seniors Captain Jonathan Lean presents winner Andy Brown with the Rex Bullock Shield
The Seniors competition calendar got under way in earnest with the Rex Bullock Shield, the first of nine qualifiers for the Golfer of the Year Competition.
Played on the John O’Gaunt course, the Rex Bullock was won by Andy Brown with 38 points. His score included birdies on the 8th, 10th and 16th.
In second place, on 37 points, was Paul Hammond with another birdie fest on the 1st, 7th and 10th. And in third place, with 36 points was Jed Isbell.
The day began with bright spring sunshine and most of the 99 entrants enjoyed pleasant conditions before rain set in later in the day.
Scoring was relatively low with the John O’Gaunt playing rather long after the recent rainy spell. Less than a third of the field scored 30 points or more.
Raffle prizes were won by Derek Weller, David Trotter, Kevin Cocker and Sam Standen.
Second place: Paul Hammond
First group on the first tee: Peter Jarman, Paul Jeeves and Keith Hargreaves
You can see the first GOTY table after this first event of the year by clicking the link below.
Wednesday, 5 April 2023
Home match against Aspley Guise April 4, 2023
Acting Captain Richard Westergreen-Thorne, left, on the Carthagena 4th green
Richard Westergreen-Thorne reports
What a difference a week makes. After playing in constant
rain in our match last week we were treated to some glorious sunshine for the
game with Aspley Guise.
Our Match Organiser, Jim Kerr, is currently injured, but he
did us proud by setting everything up for the match and turning up first thing
to distribute the cards and make sure everything was alright. This led to
probably the earliest presentation of a bottle of wine in appreciation ever by
the seniors as I, as stand in Captain, presented it to Jim at 8.10am. A bit
early in the day to drink it but thanks Jim.
It was cold but with clear skies as we set off and it soon
warmed up to be great golfing weather. No wind and true fast greens remarked
upon by all players from both clubs when we assembled at the end of the day.
The result was tight with Andy Lawrence and I managing to claw back from 1 down
after 14 holes to win 2 and 1 and then the other results gradually came in. We lost match 2, won match 3, lost match 4 and
won matches 5 and 6 . Unfortunately, we could not quite get over the line and Aspley
Guise managed to win the last two matches to give us a 4 – 4 draw overall. A
result well received by all involved at the end of the meal that followed.
We will be at Aspley Guise before the end of the month to
play the return leg when Captain Jonathan Lean will take back the reins. For me
it was a draw in my first match as acting Captain and a well received joke.
Notes of the Senior Section Committee Meeting 23 March 2023
Notes of the Senior
Section Committee Meeting
23 March 2023
Algy Grimes (AG), Jonathan Lean (JL), Barry Donovan
(BD), Richard Westergreen – Thorne (RWT), Tony Lloyd (TL) Andy Shilton (AS)
Minutes previous and matters arising
The minutes previous were approved.
TL provided a brief outline of the Prostate Day arrangements and senior
section involvement.
Captain (JL)
I tabled ‘discussion notes’ regarding the participation of ladies in
Seniors’ events at the Golf Committee meeting on 7th February. These notes have
already been circulated to this committee.
The outcome of the discussion at the Golf Committee Meeting was that
there was a general consensus that it was good to start having this sort of
discussion around the table. We are moving in the direction of equal
opportunities for both (or should I say all) genders! There was a suggestion
that although there is a Senior Ladies squad, they only have a very few
matches, and they are keen to play in more if possible. It was suggested that
in the future we could designate some of our matches as ‘mixed matches
‘depending on the responses we get from the clubs we play against regarding the
possibility of ladies being included in our squads.
My suggestion for the time being is for Richard WT to contact all the
clubs (or you if that is more appropriate) and advise them that there is a
possibility of ladies being in our squad and see what the reactions are.
If any club comes back and rejects this then we can just make sure that we do not
include any ladies in that match. If any of them are happy then we can
possibly select ladies for these matches if any of them put their names down.
From next year onwards the suggestion is that we can designate 4 of our 13
matches ad ‘mixed’ matches.
There has been a reaction from some of the senior men who are refusing
to play alongside ladies in competitions. We need to have a consensus on how to
handle this situation. (see agenda item below)
Plans are well advanced for the Charity week and also the Club’s 75th
anniversary celebrations week in June. More details to follow when all
arrangements are finalised.
JL also updated the committee on the progress of the arrangements for
the club's 75th anniversary events having recently attended a meeting
of the planning committee.
Vice Captain (RWT)
RWT updated the committee on his engagement with fellow members who are
currently not playing.
Immediate Past Captain (AG)
Nothing to report.
Treasurer's Report (BD)
BD outlined what he has done since the last meeting. This included
familiarising himself with the accounts and the transactions involved in the
competitions and matches. He has also been looking at the cash flow during the
year and estimating what the end of year balance will be based upon assumptions
regarding income and expenditure in
competitions and matches.
Of particular importance to our finances this year are the Member and
Guest Day, Senior Captains Day, Christmas Fayre and Christmas Dinner where
subsidies are traditionally given towards the cost of the food and, in the case
of the Dinner, the cost of the meal for invited guests such as the staff.
The increased cost of food has increased our costs this year for matches
and the numbers entering competitions look likely to be larger than in previous
years but it is still early days for us to be able to have a clear estimate of
income from competition fees. BD outlined that the finances look tight this
year and he will circulate some documents to the committee when he has done
further work on them and this can be discussed in more detail at the next
It was agreed that we would need to increase the cost of playing in the
three events that are currently subsidised due to the rising cost of food and
potential impact upon our finances.
All three are a shotgun start with a limited field and so we cannot
increase numbers taking part in order to for us to increase income.
It was agreed that Senior Captains Day entry fee should rise to £10,
Xmas Fayre rise to £10 and the member and Guest Day to £35 per team.
Action point:
Subsidies and prices for these events to be an agenda item at the next
meeting and, in the meantime, RWT to flag up the anticipated entry costs in the
Hon. Secretary (RWT)
Since we last met the membership numbers have continued to increase at a
rate of around one a week. It is currently 254 with a further couple of
ex-players who also receive the newsletter. There are 8 Ladies as members and I
think one or two more who are engaged but through their husbands/partners email
When anyone asks to join us, I have continued previous practice to send
them a welcome email and an offer to follow up with a chat and to arrange a
game if they would like to do this. This year I am now able to add for people
who are not known to us contact with one of the three members who have offered
to help with the new member liaison role. They have had 9 people to contact in
total so far and it seems to have proved very useful A couple of those they
have spoken to have become engaged with us and others are interested but still
working, etc. I have arranged with the three taking on this role to take stock
of where we are in a couple of months.
I have removed several names from the mailing list where I know people
have left the club but will go through the club membership list more
systematically now the membership is known for the year.
There has been a lot of interest in the additional match with Brocket
Hall and it has opened up the possibility of further afternoon matches and this
is on the agenda as part of our review of the calendar for 2024. There are a
number of other points to consider regarding the calendar for 2024 and I need
to make good progress on it shortly so that we are in synch with other clubs
I have recently sent an email with our contact details to the other
clubs we play and referred to our gender-neutral status as we agreed at our
last meeting. I can update you on the responses during the gender-neutral
agenda item.
I was pleased to see the level of response from members when we needed
to get extra players for the 4BBB and now that we have started our season of
matches and competitions, I hope to see good numbers looking at the blog to
keep up to date with what is going on.
Other matters are considered elsewhere on the agenda.
Competition Secretary (TL)
The Green Tilley and Foursomes knockouts opened on the day of the AGM
and caused immediate interest, with two ladies signing up for the foursomes for
the first time. This led to a little confusion as we considered how to run the
knockouts from red and yellow tees. Eventually, after seeking advice, we
arrived at what we hope will be a workable solution. i.e the same rules as the
Fletcher Cup and President’s Cup.
Fifty-two signed up for the Foursomes and 82 for the Green Tilley. The
draw for both was conducted on March 7 along with the draw for the 4BBB.
The mixed greensomes with the ladies was due to take place on March 9
but had to be cancelled when the course was closed due to snow. Forty ladies
and 40 seniors had entered but their fees were reimbursed. Fortunately, as the
decision was beyond our control, we did not have to pay for the cake. It is
hoped we can rearrange the match for later in the year, although the crowded calendar
may make this difficult.
The 4BBB Trophy on March 14 filled up very quickly, soon reaching the
maximum 92 including, again for the first time, two ladies. There were a
handful of withdrawals, but the reserve list kept the start sheet full. There
were two further withdrawals on the eve of the competition and one on the morning
of the competition. Following an appeal by RWT we just got over the line.
Thanks to those who stepped forward at the last minute. The competition itself
was played in fine weather and was won by Chris Saunders and David Wrench.
The Rex Bullock Trophy, to be played on April 11, was so popular that
the initial cap of 102 had to be increased to 120 by adding earlier and later
tee times. At the last count 111 players had signed up, justifying our decision
to maximise the number of available tee times by making it a one tee start. If,
as we hope, interest in competitions remains high, we will continue with
one-tee starts where appropriate and monitor the situation.
The Brocket Hall matches opened for entries on March 5 and 31 players
quickly signed up.
The Swap Day with St Ives. The entry list of 40 is full, with two on the
reserve list.
Jock Allan Prostate Cancer Charity Day While not a seniors event, I have
been helping Bill Walker, Algy Grimes and David Barlow with IG sign-up. At the
last count, there were 70 entries, with the hope that a last-minute publicity
drive would attract a few more.
Action Point
It looks unlikely that we can find a mutually agreeable date to rearrange
the Greensomes and TL will propose to the Ladies section that it be cancelled for 2023.
Match Secretaries Report (AS)
Matches are now underway with our first game against Beds & County
played on Tuesday 21st ending with a positive 5-3 result and a
good joke. Next match Saffron Walden at home next Tuesday (28th).
We have had a very strong sign up of 60 players and the availability is such that all matches are oversubscribed with the lowest at 22 players available for 20 places. Due to the level of sign up the availability/selection ratio is between 50 and 60% which is less than historically the case. This has also made the selection process quite difficult and required many iterations. I decided to do the selection for the whole season as most people had put availability in for the entire season. This made it easier to ensure fairness. But I have stated that only batch 1 is confirmed and batches 2 and 3 are provisional.
There were several players that didn’t put in for equal availability of home and away and some rather heavily skewed to away games. All have been written to and responded appropriately.
As usual no sooner was the selection made than people started dropping out. There has been something like 13 withdrawals notified within a week of publishing. So already the data is starting to look skewed. This is a reality.
We have settled on a price of £24 to try to keep the costs reasonable. By way of comparison Beds & County players were charged £17 on Tuesday up from £16.50 last year. The menu is I think satisfactory with how and cold options available.
The work with Alban Macdonald to develop a better way of managing teams is now live and I used it in earnest for the selection. This was a bit painful as we worked our way through the issues. It is certainly now for a PC user a better tool for looking at what you have been selected for. However, it still doesn’t work well on a mobile (the temporary filters are not supported on mobile), so we have left the original reporting tool live for mobile users. Use of this version has dropped down considerably and the initial problem of multiple users has settled as traffic has reduced. From the Match Secretary perspective, it is now working fine but you do need to be comfortable in the tech space to manage it.
On a side note, sales of new 75th anniversary Senior Jumpers seems to have been strong as many were on display on Tuesday.
Annual Dinner and Presentation of Trophies 2023
Action Point
Keep the event as it is and encourage
more members to attend
Have just a presentation event and
discontinue the dinner
Have a separate dinner and
presentation event and if this was the preferred option consider some form of entertainment
at the dinner
Once ready to be sent to members to be distributed via the newsletter.
Gender neutral status
Following discussion it was agreed that it is early days for ladies
being involved in seniors competitions and that the committee should monitor
entries from ladies and communications from individual seniors. Currently a
small number of ladies have entered our competitions that have been open and none
have put themselves forward to play in matches.
When RWT circulated the fact that we are a gender-neutral section to the
clubs we play in matches one raised an objection and the others were either
positive or did not specifically respond.
To be returned to at the next meeting.
Calendar 2024
is currently working on the 2024 calendar.
had circulated in advance of the meeting a number of options for the 2024
calendar and some have already been
agreed regarding possible dates and days for competitions with, for example, the
Ladies section and the Junior section.
was agreed that we should look to play Brocket Hall in 2024 as an afternoon
match again and look to see if we could add one or two more Monday afternoon
fixtures along similar lines with new clubs. Given the increase in membership
this would give more members the option of playing matches.
have been unable to agree to the proposed Swap day with them in 2024 and so we
need to find another club to swap with.
Action Points:
JL to
discuss additional afternoon fixtures with The Club Manager with a view to raise
as an agenda item at the next club Golf Committee.
to circulate other clubs with the potential offer of a Swap Day and/or an
afternoon fixture and a number of clubs were discussed as possibilities to
Staggered Start
circulated a draft paper regarding a staggered start arrangement for home
matches. A number of amendments were suggested and RWT will circulate a second
draft to the committee.
Action Point
the appropriate time JL will table the proposal at a club Golf Committee
Committee 2024
Action Point:
It was agreed that RWT will put a note in the Newsletter inviting
members to come forward if they are interested in becoming involved in helping with
the organisation of seniors events. There is a need to make changes within the
committee for 2024, for example, RWT will stand down as Hon Sec when he becomes
Captain. There are also plenty of other roles outside of the committee where
members can be involved and help.
Past Senior Captains Lunch
JL to follow up and report back at the next meeting
Date and time of next meeting
Thursday 13th April
Thursday 4th May
Thursday 20th July
Tuesday 29th August
Thursday 5th October
Tuesday 7th November
Tuesday 16th January 2024