Thursday 24 June 2021

Past Senior Captains Away Day Thursday June 10 2021

Eleven Past Senior Captains and Committee Members spent a pleasant day at Elton Furze Golf Club, the venue of the Senior Away Day in September. My first impression was that as long as it’s not raining those seniors attending are in for a stunning day. The course was well maintained  and was not too demanding on some ageing bodies, although in our case buggies were used by some.

The golf played on the day was, as you can see below, a mixed bag with some having more success than others. Needless to say our Captain, Bill, led the way with a magnificent score of 41 points, a distance ahead of his nearest rival Fred Williams. One wonders where this form goes in matches!

In summary we had a great day’s golf, were well looked after by the staff and are, to a man, looking forward to returning with more seniors in September.


Dave Gauge


Full results

Bill Walker – 41
Fred Williams – 34
Peter Grimes – 33
Richard Coventry – 32
Richard Westergreen-Thorne – 32
David Crosby – 31
Jim Peacock – 28
Dave Gauge – 28
Brian Bullen – 27
10 Alan Fowler – 25
11 Jim Kerr – 22


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