Sunday, 31 March 2024

Captains’ Drive in March 30, 2024

 A packed clubhouse witnessed the official opening of the new terrace to the sound of our own John O'Jaunty Brass Ensemble, a ceremonial putt-out  on the 18th by our retiring captains and a drive down the 1st by our incoming captains. 

Algy Grimes stood in for Jonathan Lean, who is on holiday, and Sue Lee stood in for Nathan Church.

Immediate Past Club Captain Mike Tipper, Immediate Past Ladies Captain Lorna Jerome, Sue Lee, Algy Grimes, Ladies Captain Chris Ellis, Seniors Captain Richard Westergreen-Thorne and Junior Captain Ixie Akpan 

Algy Grimes stands in for Immediate Past Seniors Captain Jonathan Lean

Sue Lee stands in for Immediate Past Junior Captain Nathan Church

Immediate Past Lady Captain Lorna Jerome

 John O'Jaunty Brass Ensemble, including Michael Newstead, David Barlow and his wife Sam

Senior Section Captain Richard Westergreen-Thorne drives the 1st

Fancy That!

Richard Westergreen-Thorne was Club Captain for a day due to a slight mix-up with the names on the Captain's Honours Board. The mistake was spotted and corrected. But I'm told you can still see the ghost of Richard's long double-barrelled surname if you look closely

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