Monday 19 February 2024

Minutes of the Senior Section Committee Meeting February 13 2024


Senior Section Committee Meeting Feb 13 2024

Present: Richard Westergreen-Thorne (RWT), Tony Lloyd (TL), Jonathan Lean (JL), Algy Grimes (AG) Barry Donovan (BD)

Minutes previous


Matters Arising

Honours Boards: AG gave an update on quotes and timings received for supplying the boards. It was decided to go back as far as 2004 with winners’ names and also to inform the Club House Committee of progress.

Action point: to be discussed further at the March meeting

Captain’s Honorarium: BD suggested and it was accepted that there should be ground rules established for how the Honorarium is used and monitored.

Action point: to be discussed further at the March meeting

Stock check of prizes: AG to purchase bottles of wine at a discount in March

Contact details: These to be updated for all officers and TL to circulate details to other clubs and JoG staff

Brief review of AGM: 46 members attended the agm and it was felt that the meeting had been a success. JL had handed over a cheque for £8,107.60 to Keech Hospice Care Fundraiser Sarah Phillips.

Captain’s Update: None

Vice-Captain’s Update: TL shared with the committee his plan to make contact with an individual member.

Treasurer's Update: BD gave a brief update on the state of the section’s finances

Action Point: To be discussed further at the April 11 meeting including a review of competition fees.

Hon Sec update: TL reported on progress with the 2025 calendar and the club’s acceptance that we can keep two Monday afternoon 12-a-side matches

Action Point: TL to ask Bedfordshire and County if they can move from 12-a-side to 16-a-side. TL to offer Newmarket Monday dates for a 2025 swap day and follow up with Nigel Tarn. TL to invite Newmarket Captain to JoG for a friendly game.

Competition Secretary update: Nothing to report

Matches Secretary update: AG reported on progress with sign-ups for the first tranche of matches

Action point: TL to appeal in the newsletter for more entries for Cambridge Country Club

Two new members of the committee: The possible roles of the two new members were discussed, including help with competitions, help organising Captain’s Day and other events and liaising with new member ambassadors.

Staggered start: RWT presented his proposal for a staggered start for home matches against other clubs.

Action point: AG to consult the Clubhouse Manager on the benefits to the catering staff including the possibility of staggered meal times. AG to report back and subject to be discussed further at the March meeting.

Roll-up days proposal: agree how we proceed: A discussion was held regarding Richard Coventry’s suggestion that the roll-up be moved to Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

Action point: The March meeting to discuss how best to gauge the feeling of roll-up regulars

Prostate Project Charity Day: A discussion was held on whether this club event should be taken under the control of the senior section

Action point: subject to be agenda item at the March meeting

Any other business: None

Dates of future meeting:

14th March

11th April

2nd May

18th July

22nd August

3rd October

5th November

14th January

Tony Lloyd

Honorary Secretary

John O’Gaunt Senior Section

07484 811833







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