Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Thank you for the Jock Allan Charity Day

The following is a letter from Jim Kerr and Tony Goodson, organisers of the Jock Allan Prostate Cancer Day.

Dear members,

It gives us great pleasure in thanking you for making our Jock Allan Charity Day a great day. Made better with the appearance of the man himself Jock who started all this in 2007.

It was great that Colin Stokes from the Prostate Project came out of retirement to be with us and present Jock with a well earned Certificate of Appreciation.  

We have a special thanks to the Seniors Section, especially Bill Walker for his help with the auction and Jonathon Lean for his help with the teams and tee times and the rest of the lads who helped on the day.

A big thanks to Gordon MacLeod and all his staff for their input with the general organising of the event including the bar and catering. We were well watered and fed.

Thanks too to the ladies for organising the Tombola.

The members did not let us down with their input. Your Sponsorship of holes raised £1000.

Thank you for countless prizes for the Tombola and for giving us a full house on the day. Magic.

Thank you to the Pro shop and ground staff for giving us their time on lessons and gardening.

What more is there to say but again from Tony and myself a Big Big thank you.


Yours Sincerely Jim and Tony.

P.S. Can you  please write in your diaries  Monday the 3rd of April next year. We would love to see you all again. Thank you.

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