Friday, 3 June 2022

Senior Section Committee Meeting May 19 2022



Algy Grimes (AG), Jonathan Lean (JL), Bill Walker (BW), Richard Coventry (RC), Richard Westergreen – Thorne (RWT), Andy Shilton (AS)


Apologies: None although Tom Simm (TS) was on leave and not able to attend for the first item.


Mike Tipper (TP) attended the first part of the meeting and outlined some of the events planned for 2023 as part of the club's 75th Anniversary Celebrations between Saturday 17th June and Sunday 25th June. AG had attended a club Golf Committee meeting earlier in the week and, as part of the discussion, was able to outline some of the ways that the seniors could be involved.

 The seniors have been invited as part of the week to hold an additional competition and this will mean switching the St Neots home match to a different week. The committee were fully supportive of the Anniversary celebrations and will promote the events that will take place amongst the members.

 MT was updated on the continuing issues relating to payments by participants for competitions and matches. There are currently 10 senior section matches and senior section competitions that have yet to be reconciled with the club and settled.

 RC outlined that he has given an itemised list of the events to the accounts department earlier in the week and he hoped that this would help resolve the issue.

Minutes previous and matters arising

Agreed with a correction to the date of meeting on the notes.

Captain's Report (AG)

Our interclub matches have been happening with some regularity. The first saw us open with a creditable performance at Bedford & County Golf Club, which included a hole in one for our team by Terry Sweeney. We narrowly lost 4 ½ to 3 ½ not bad for our first away match.

The next match at home to Saffron Walden resulted in an honorable draw of 4 all. Played on a wet day which didn’t spoil things too much, everyone paid compliments about the food and condition of the course.

Next up was Wellingborough at home, after having to wait for a 4 ball of other JOG members who decided to tee off at 8.27am (well it’s not 8.30am was their comment), we got underway and resulted in a 6 – 2 win for JOG. Again, we received fulsome praise for the state of the course and the greens from many of the Wellingborough players (whilst bemoaning the current state of their course).

The Rex Bullock Trophy was played in warm spring weather, high scores and a hole in one ... what more could you ask of a Seniors competition. Twenty golfers scored 36 points or more and the top four players came in with 39 points. Just missing out on a podium place, but with a hole in one on the Carthagena 2nd, was Peter Jarman. In third place was Ian Riches, in second was David E J Price, but the winner on countback was Glyn Roberts. With scores going towards the Seniors Golfer of the Year competition, the race is on. Eighty-one golfers took part in the competition.

Our next match was against Aspley Guise & Woburn Sands, not a lot to say about this because we lost 7 – 1 and our 1 was two halves! The return match some nine days later at Aspley Guise saw us come away with a draw. However, two of us had biscuits or chocolate bars stolen from bags while on the course, very large crows were the offenders.

Away at Dunstable Downs we managed a win of 4 ½ - 3 ½. The weather was chilly and windy but became sunny within 40 minutes. The course was good but had some hardness in the greens. As usual, the comradeship with the Dunstable Downs players was excellent and the carvery was exceptional. (We do eat well!!).

At home to Cambridge Country Club (formerly Bourn), as a team the JOG Seniors were less than successful, and I have to report that we suffered a whitewash. Our only hope is that we have a return match in July when we play for “The Scroll” which they have held now for a number of years.

Scoring in the Ken Robinson Scramble was very close, with only 10 points separating the 21 teams. Eighty-four seniors played for the trophy on the John O Gaunt course in mild conditions with a couple of showers thrown in. The winning team of Stephen Collins, David Crosby, Richard Knell and Alban Macdonald scored a very impressive net 55, consisting of 5 birdies and only two bogeys, the rest being pars. In second place, on net 57, were George Burnham, Tony Goodson, Paul L Jeeves and Andrew Wellings and in third place, on net 58, were (Club Captain) Rob Bage, Alan Kirkham, Paul Marshall and Jim McIlwaine.

Annual Medal and Jubilee Cup

A close fought annual medal for the John Freedman Trophy ended with Paul Jones victorious on net 63 with one birdie, eight pars and six bogeys. In second place, beaten only on countback, was Jim McIlwaine, who won the Jubilee Cup for scoring the most Stableford points for those with playing handicaps of 21 or higher. In third place, on 64 points, was Bill Walker. Commiserations to Dick Cobb who carded a 10 on the first but clawed his way back to net 65, just missing out on a podium place. The best gross score, 74, was recorded by Chris Saunders. Congratulations to Geoff Elcome who scored the only eagle of the day on the third. Ninety-six players competed for the trophy on the Carthagena course. Early starters had to contend with prolonged showers but the day turned fine and warm for many.

The next match was away to St Neots where again JOG came second, losing 7 – 1. Well done to our IPC Bill Walker who is on a hot streak and Sam Standen for the only win.

Harpenden Common and Saffron Walden are to be played between the time of writing and the meeting.

We have had a few problems of players having to pull out of matches and competitions late on due to Covid, but for the matches we have had plenty of reserves.

Golf sub-committee met on Monday 16th. Among items discussed was the club’s 75th Anniversary next year. It is proposed that during the week from 18th to 25th June there will be a number of events to celebrate. As a result of this it means we will have to move the home match against St Neots because there will be a Seniors Section Competition on Tuesday 20th and the Club Seniors Championship on Friday 23rd .

Although it was reported last meeting about Alternate Day competitions being possible, this will not be the case at JOG.

Lastly, I would like to confirm that Rob Bage, Hazel House, Holly Gordon and I will be playing a longest day challenge on 22nd June to raise funds for our respective charities.

Vice Captain's Report (JL)

JL went through the list of members who he has been in contact with regarding health and other medical issues.

Treasurer's Report (RC)

As discussed with MT above there remains the issue of income and expenses for matches and competitions not being resolved with the club. Whilst the funds in the bank remain healthy at the moment cash flow could become an issue if this is not resolved as we have more home games than away games at the start of the year.

Secretary's Report (RWT)

Since the last meeting I have been able to complete the draft calendar for 2023 and send a copy to Michael Grace for him to incorporate within the club calendar. I needed to make three assumptions in the draft forwarded to Michael around external events and coursework. The key one is the date of the Senior Captain's Day as we are not able to use our normal time slot due to an external competition on that day. Michael has to juggle several one-off events next year due to the club 75th anniversary and the additional external events but assures me that we should be fine. Given the extra constraints Michael will need to contend with he is starting the club calendar earlier this year so we should get plenty of notice of any issues.

Senior membership numbers have not changed since the last meeting and seem to have settled for the year, particularly as we are not having new members joining the club at present. I scan the list of entries to our competitions every so often to see if we have any new people signing up to play.

The Swap Day has 37 entries at the time of writing, and I hope that we will be full by the time that we hold the event. At the meeting I would like to quickly confirm the arrangements and agree prizes, etc. which should align to those on the Away Day which I am pleased to see is full.

There are no members queries to report and raise at present and if any come in prior to the meeting I will raise them at the time.

You may have seen in the latest Newsletter that I forgot to circulate the details of the open event coming up at Letchworth. This reminded me that I have had very little in the way of information about events at other clubs this year. They all seem to have switched to advertising online and getting entrants that way.

The roll up rota continues to work well and we need to make sure that when the box that was outside the pro shop is relocated/dispensed with then we find a new home for the key.

It is pleasing to see that the blog is being viewed widely each week and Tony continues to update me on the number of hits that we have. It seems that there is a strong link to the Newsletter being published and people looking at the blog each Sunday. We hope that the new club website will allow an easier way to upload items and make it easier for members to navigate and find articles.

At the meeting a potential new home for the roll up key was discussed as was publicising coaching sessions by TS and his colleagues via the weekly newsletter.

Competition Secretary's Report (JL)

Since the last meeting we have had the following competitions.

The Rex Bullock was played on 12th April. Winner was Glyn Roberts with 39 points. 81 entries which is the maximum on Carthagena with a 2 tee start at 9-minute intervals. As there was a reserve list I have made future relevant competitions a 1 tee start to maximise entries.

The Ken Robinson Scramble took place on 3rd May. Thanks to Richard Westergreen-Thorne and team for running this on the day in my absence. 21 teams of 4 took part and it was won by Stephen Collins, David Crosby, Richard Knell and Alban MacDonald with a net 55!

The Annual Medal and Jubilee Cup took place on 10th May. There were 97 entrants but 2 late withdrawals reduced it to 95 who actually took part on the day. This was won by Paul Jones with a net 63. The Jubilee Cup was won by Jim McIlwaine with 43 points.

As decided, I have now changed the Rex Cleaver Championship Trophy and the Annual Stableford to be a one tee start at 7.30 with a limit of 102 players. If these fill up, then I will change future relevant ones to be the same format.

Early days I know but at the moment the leader of GOTY is Bill Walker. Not trying to put any pressure on though!

I continue to follow up leads to find a Competition Secretary for 2023.

One matter to be decided is our policy on late withdrawals and refunding of entry fee. I know we have had some late withdrawals for good reasons, but I would like to propose that we have a blanket policy of any withdrawal less than 72 hours before the event start – this will generally mean by midnight on the Saturday before the event – will not have the entry fee refunded.

It was agreed at the meeting that if any participant withdraws within 72 hours of a competition, then the entry fee will be donated to the Senior Captain's Charity.

Discussion took place about the challenge of drop outs leaving incorrect numbers for team events on the day. JL has been dropping out of the competition if this happens and it was agreed that this was unfair on him to continue to do so. It was agreed that in future the last people to enter a team competition would be those ‘at risk’ of not playing if problems arose at the last minute.

Match Secretary's report (AS)

Interclub Matches

 Matches are progressing steadily and this week we have Harpenden Common on Tuesday and Saffron Walden the next day.  

Match Results

 We have played 3 games since the last report and continue to struggle for positive results.  We were humbled by an 8-0 whitewash at home to Cambridge Country Club and a 7-1 drubbing away to St Neots.  In between we have had a respectable draw at Aspley Guise.  Generally, we are giving away many points to the opposition every game and it leads to concern that because we don’t put cards in routinely our handicaps are not as representative of current form as the opposition.

 Match reports are going promptly onto the blog and I think they are pleasingly amusing.

 Things to improve.

 The latest selections were completed and I provided the Excel Spreadsheet and a PDF, this seems to have been successful as there were far fewer queries.  We still await the new web-site to allow us to understand if we can improve the access to the Interclub matches information.

 I still need to improve some of the Match Organiser communication (with me and Treasury), particularly closing down the post-match tasks.  

 Other observations

 We are experiencing a high turnover of players for games, generally I am having to find a couple of extra reserves each game.  That said we have been able to field teams every game.  We have also been able to find reserves for Millbrook and Leighton Buzzard which have been problematic.

 Generally, unless there are contrary views everything remains under control. 

 At the meeting AS outlined the reminders he was about to send to Match Organisers regarding team sheets and contacting the JOG accounts department.

Immediate Past Captain's Report (BW)

BW reported that he had dealt with one inter member issue since the last meeting.

Member and Guest Day arrangements

AS is organising the day and the various arrangements were discussed and agreed. Following the meeting AS, JL and RWT agreed a note to go to all members outlining the arrangements for the day to be circulated via the newsletter.

Swap Day arrangementsRWT updated the meeting on the arrangements and reported that Robert Bage and MT have kindly offered to meet and greet the players from Northampton when they arrive on the day.

Calendar 2023

It was confirmed that the draft of the section calendar for 2023 has been given to the club to form part of the planning of the club calendar for 2023. Any changes will be reported back to the committee and the additional competition and move of the St Neots home match will need to be factored in.

Memorials and Legacies

A discussion took place and AG and AS were able to update the committee on progress. This will be returned to at the next meeting.

Use of Honorarium and Bar Card

It was proposed that the card should be used for expenditure by the Captain over and above that which would be ordinarily incurred by a general member. 


It was agreed that RC should discuss with TS the possibility of handing over the purchase of seniors clothing to the pro shop. RC to report back with progress.

Date and time of next meeting

21st July 2022

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