Thursday, 9 September 2021

Seniors’ Section Away Day, Elton Furze, September 9, 2021

 On the first tee: Terry Sweeney, Jim Peacock, Bob Anderson and Richard Knell

Seniors’ Section Captain Bill Walker reports on the Section’s ever popular Away Day

Well, there we were. After so much planning and anticipation we arrived at Elton Furze Golf Club for the Seniors’ Section away day. After 2 days of hot sunny weather, the anticipated overnight rain had given way to soft grey skies as we drove to the venueShould we be wearing shorts or longs was the question?  As it turned out, the sun broke through, the mist disappeared, the course was baked and shorts were definitely the order of the day.  However, before the day’s golfing trials and tribulations could begin, the full fry breakfast was served which was absolutely the best with lashings of tea and coffee


At 1030, on the dot, Jim Peacock, Terry Sweeney, Richard Knell and Bob Anderson led off a 40 strong field.  The past Captains and some committee members may have thought they had an advantage as they has played the course earlier in the season on the section past captain’s day but as the nature of the course had changed so much they were mistaken. So who would come out on top at the end of this day?


So to the results:


Winner : Steve Collins – get down off that chair Steve.

Runner Up: Algy Grimes – He didn’t take that photo but took the rest.

Third    Len Greaves.


NTP – 2nd- Chris Roy

NTP – 5th Colin Newbury

NTP – 12th David Crosby

NTP – 15th Ralph Black


Wooden Spoon: Jim Kerr. Enjoy the lesson Jim.


Thanks go to Richard Coventry for his organisation of a great day enjoyed by all.

Vice Captain Algy Grimes captures the highlights of the day on camera

Winner Steve Collins rises to the challenge of receiving the trophy from Captain Bill

Captain Bill presents winners with their prizes

The wooden spoon goes to Jim Kerr

  • The competitors relax after an enjoyable day at Elton Furze

And finally: Brian Bullen gets the drinks in!


1 comment:

Anthony Bell said...

Looked like a great day out. Had planned to be there. Hope I can join you all next year.