Monday, 13 September 2021

Seniors’ Section Away to Gog Magog Elders September 13 2021

Organiser David Crosby reports on a valiant battle

Wow! What an amazing view! But before we get to my first communal shower for 18 months there is the matter of the match versus Gog Magog Elders.
 Late changes in both teams meant that the Elders had a cumulative 106 shots versus our 69. In the beginning, Algy (replacing Bill who had gone to Malta to check his assets) and I alternated from 1 up to level a few times before getting to 2 down on the 15th. A win on the 16th was followed by another on the 17th and two balls close on the 18th gave us an honourable half. 
At the other end, the final pair of Chris Roy and Keith Fuller repeated our achievement.
 The second and 7th games were wins for JOGS but the middle 4 games went to the Elders to give an overall loss 3-5. 
However ... game 2 requires special mention. The formidable Ralph Black (getting 5 shots) paired with Tariq Bhatti (14 shots) who was obviously wearing a new pair of putting boots. Approximately 29 stableford points on the front 9 and an overall combined 8 under gross gave them a (big) marginal 8 and 6 win: the subject of much discussion in the bar before lunch and worthy of a mention in despatches by the Elders Captain at (an absolutely delicious) lunch. Well done Tariq and Tariq's Little Helper!
 Dave Price and Sam Standen were our other winners (1 up). The Elders managed one 5 and 4, two 3 and 2 and 1 1 up win - no names, no pack drill (what on earth does that mean?).
 The picture is of our first group on the 18th tee with stunning views directly westwards over Trumpington, the observatory dishes at Lords Bridge on the A603 and towards my house in Gamlingay - which you can't quite see because of the houses (and hills) in between! Nevertheless, it's still much better than the view in the VERY cosy showers! Perhaps I should have worn a mask ...

Oh - I nearly forgot - Paul Hammond won Nearest the Pin - with (guess what) - a 3 wood. I think he only carries the one club ....

Thanks to all who participated, especially to the 5 who stepped in as replacements. Better than the 7 I needed for the home game!

1 comment:

Andy Shilton said...

Very amusing DC. A bit worried about this fixation with the showers though!