Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Seniors vs Dunstable Downs August 17 2021

Brian Bullen reports on a well-deserved victory

We started in fairly heavy rain but it luckily stopped after four holes. The rain didn’t affect our captain Bill Walker as he calmly made a birdie on the John O’Gaunt first hole after putting through a puddle on the green.
The only funny event reported was when the Dunstable Downs Organiser’s remote trolley decided to try and drive through the bunker on the 8th hole. It failed.
I am pleased to report that J.O.G. won four & a half to three & a half.
The winning pairs were Bill Walker/Brian Bullen, Andy Brown/Malcolm Lee,
Jack Shephard/Tariq Bhatti, Graham Court/Gerry Gentle, ( who battled well as their opponents had a 25 stroke advantage). Peter Imray/Nick Seeley had a draw.
The carvery meal & sticky toffee pudding was very enjoyable. Well done the catering staff.

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