Wednesday 2 August 2017

Seniors Member and Guest Day - 1st August 2017

This year’s Member and Guest event was staged on Tuesday 1 August and saw an increased field of 76 players. The 38 Guests represented 28 Clubs many of which were local but some from further afield. The weather forecast was inauspicious but apart from one short lived shower; conditions were as perfect as the condition of the course.
Needless to say, this resulted in some excellent scoring with Kevin Donnelly and guest Phil Long from Beadlow Manor Golf and Country Club emerging victorious with 44 Stableford points. In addition, Phil won the guest’s nearest the pin on the 16th with a shot that finished within an inch of the hole.
Winners - Kevin Donnelley & Phil Long
Other results were as follows:

2nd Prize went to John Whitbread & guest Harvey Price from Bedford & County Golf Club with 40 Stableford points on count back.

2nd place - John Whitbread & Harvey Price
3rd prize went to Harry Wakefield and guest Tim Boundy from Cambridge Meridian Golf Club.
3rd Place - Harry Wakefield & Tim Boundy
In summary, we received many compliments and thanks for a very enjoyable day from our guests which puts both our Club and in particular our Seniors’ Section in the very best of lights.

Bill Walker


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