Sunday 20 August 2017

Home Match v Dunstable Downs - 15th August 2017

This was played on Tuesday 15th August. We were blessed to play on the John O Gaunt course in glorious sunshine. I'm pleased to report we had a comfortable win of 6-2 which avenged the away result of 3-5.

In our match the best result was Captain Fred on the 7th hole ( index 1 ) when he managed to get on the green with his third shot from 160 yards in deep rough. He then proceeded to hole the putt!, Our whole game was very up & down going at one stage from 4up to 3 down.

Other winners were Bob Anderson/Malcolm Lee, Keith Fuller/Steve Foster, Steve Collins/Peter Jarman, William Skelding/Nick Seeley, Gerry Gentle/Keith Hargreaves.

Gerry Gentle(again) won the nearest the plan with I'm told a very lucky bounce to put his name below the organiser.

Good comments were made by our guest's with reference to the course and the meal.(hot & cold buffet followed by summer fruit tart.)

Best Regards Brian Bullen, Organiser

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