Friday 28 July 2017

Away Match v Bourn - 27th July 2017

An overcast Thursday morning with predictions of heavy rain saw the Jog Seniors' team at Bourn GC ready to take revenge for the home defeat earlier this year.

Captain Fred was speechless, due to a throat infection (known medically as Guinness throat).  So Vice Captain Jim gave a stirring pre-match talk ending in "lets beat these b*gg**s". In the event the sun shone down all day onto a pristine course and we lost 6 games to 2. What a surprise!

The one positive effect of the Vice Captain's stirring talk was the JoG winner of nearest the pin. namely, Vice Captain Jim.

As if to comment on the result, the heavens opened during the post match lunch making a superb meal (red meat and plenty of it) in the dry of the conservatory a fitting end to a very enjoyable day, but we must do better!!

Bill Walker - Organiser

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