The white tees are back on the Carthagena 16th. But it's quite a tricky shot!
Many thanks to Paul Hammond for the photo
Clear blue skies and warm Spring sunshine greeted the 76 ladies and seniors meeting for this popular annual event played this year on Carthagena.
Early frost soon melted away to leave pleasant playing conditions.
In third place, with 42 points, were Jean Cobb and Neil Pinnington. They each won a £20 pro shop voucher.
In second place, also with 42 points, and each winning £30 pro-shop vouchers, were Jean's other half Dick and his partner Hazel House.
But the winners, with 43 points, and a £40 pro shop voucher each, were Paul Hammond and Penny Staveley-Smith.
The raffle raised almost £300 to be shared between the two captains' charities.