Tuesday 21 March 2023

Seniors away to Beds and County, March 21, 2023

 Organiser Michael Newstead reports

An overheard conversation at JOG on Sunday 19th March sent me scurrying to the Beds and County website and to my horror found it was true. They had a trolley ban in place, it was carry only!   With the match just two days away visions of 16 old and weary men (32 if you count B&C players) struggling up the final hole, weighed down by their bag of clubs, knees aching, gasping for breath, back-breaking under the strain, not a pretty sight I think  you will agree!   Something had to be done to avert this disaster.    A flurry of emails with the B&C organiser, his commitment to take up the matter the following day, Monday 20th.   Conversation with the JOGS match secretary produced three scenarios – 1) everyone carries, 2) send a reduced team if not everyone can carry, 3) cancel.

 Next step, alert the team of impending disaster. Result, my inbox filled with messages from thirteen of our finest with cries of, “I can carry if I have to, but my poor back/knees/legs/ankles/teeth (yes,  I made the last one up).”   Let’s just say the sigh of relief could be heard all over Potton and beyond when I learned that the B&C Organiser had obtained special dispensation for us to use our trolleys!

 On the appointed day we arrived at Beds & County expecting to be trudging through seas of mud, but actually nothing of the sort.    Certainly the course was a little wet in places and the air-brushes were well-used at the end of the game, but the greens were fast, true and just as difficult to read as ever; the grass was verdant and for the most, proper tees were in play, although the ears of my partner, your Captain (stand up and salute!!) and myself were oft assailed by our playing partners with comments of, “We haven’t been playing off this tee, we have been using mats/the ladies tee for the past few months.”

 How bravely JOG’s valiant sixteen took to the field of battle; unperturbed by the knowledge they were fighting a 58 shot advantage!   As the scores started to roll in the pessimism turned to joy and we scented victory, confirmed when our Captain announced after dinner that in fact John O’Gaunt had overcome the odds and were the winners 5 and 3.

 All that remained was to congratulate your Captain and Derek Cormack for winning nearest the pin on the par 3 12th, each being awarded the traditional bottle of wine and to raise a cheer to the catering staff for a superb meal and service.


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