Tuesday 14 March 2023

4BBB Trophy March 14, 2023

Seniors Captain Jonathan Lean presents the trophy to winners Chris Saunders and Dave Wrench 

Oh no, not again! That might have been the reaction of entrants viewing the weather early on Tuesday so soon after the cancellation of the ladies and seniors mixed greensomes the week before.

Then, hoorah, the clouds parted, the sun made a rare appearance and 92 seniors thanked their lucky stars for a great day of golf.

The scoring was good too. First prize went to Chris Saunders and Dave Wrench with an impressive 47 points. In second place, on countback, were Derek Weller and Andy Brown, also on 47 points. And in third place, on 46 points, were Ian Maddison and Tony Lloyd. Rumours that Tony, as the new Competitions Secretary, had fiddled the figures, were hotly denied by his lawyers.

Also on 46 points, but narrowly missing out on a podium place, were Tony Goodson and Keith Howlett.

Raffle prizes were won by Chris Sullivan, Andrew Wellings, Algy Grimes and Tony Goodson.

Only the day before, the start sheet was in a state of flux as two players, for entirely valid reasons, had to withdraw. An emergency appeal for extra players by Hon Sec Richard Westergreen-Thorne resulted in an instant response which fixed the problem. Then, as late as 8am on the day of the competition came another withdrawal. Keith Fuller, just about to get in the shower, came to the rescue and arrived on cue for a 10.10am start. Thanks to all who answered the call to ensure the day went without a hitch.

Second place on countback: Derek Weller and Andy Brown

Third place: Tony Lloyd and Ian Maddison

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