Tuesday 28 March 2023

Home match v Brocket Hall, March 27, 2023

Chris Roy and Trevor Darrington with their opponents on the first tee

Organiser Richard Westergreen-Thorne reports

It was a day of firsts as we played Brocket Hall for the very first time. It was also the first home match of the year for our Captain, Jonathan Lean, and the first time we had played at JOG with an afternoon start.

Responding to an offer from Brocket Hall earlier in the year we were able to arrange to play an additional fixture to add to our calendar for 2023 which proved a very popular decision. To make it work we agreed to play 12 a side on a Monday afternoon and so the two teams assembled in the clubhouse ready to do battle on the course. With the weather being variable at best over recent days we were blessed with good weather and JOG looked fantastic in the sunshine.

As for the match there were some close games and some not so close. For example, Nigel Underwood and Graham Lewis won comfortably and Nick Seeley and I ..... well, let's just say that our opponents played very well. Jonathan Lean and Peter Wade were able to win a tight match but overall we lost 4 - 2.

In the clubhouse afterwards for sandwiches and chips (another first) all agreed it was a good day's golf with good company. Jonathan supplied his usual joke and all left looking forward to the return fixture and the hope that we can make this into a regular part of our calendar. 

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