Algy Grimes (AG), Jonathan Lean (JL), B ill Walker
(BW), Andy Shilton (AS), Richard Coventry (RC), Richard Westergreen – Thorne
Minutes of
Previous Meeting
Agreed as a
true record of the meeting:
Proposed by
Bill Walker and seconded by Jonathan Lean and agreed unanimously.
Matters arising
not on the agenda
· add a small match fee element to match costs
and we hope that the match fees will not exceed £25 per match but this will be
dependent on costs. RWT to follow up.
RWT still waiting on confirmation on
prices for meals from the club. Once confirmed the match fee will be agreed and
will include a contribution to seniors funds as well as the cost of catering,
nearest the pin prizes and gratuities for staff.
Subsequent to the meeting menu prices
were agreed with the club and it was decided to charge members £22 to play in each
match with another club.
reminder in the Newsletter to ensure that members are not ex-directory and should
also upload a photo to help the Section Captain put as many names to faces as
To go in the next Newsletter
· note
in the Newsletter asking members to let the Vice Captain know if they hear of
any member that we should contact.
go in the next Newsletter
· a ‘Meet the Committee’ piece would be placed on the website news section
and the blog soon after the AGM.
· Swap Day – it was agreed that BW would investigate with the club whether
it would be feasible to have a swap day in 2023.
club have agreed that a Swap Day can take place in 2023 and RC will investigate
possible clubs within a one hour drive of JOG. Other committee members were
invited to pass suggestions to RC who will report back at the next meeting.
As this was a brief meeting following the AGM it
was agreed in advance that the following reports would be brief, verbal,
reports simply highlighting any queries or points to bring to the committee’s
Captain's Report (AG)
AG thanked everyone for their contributions to the
AGM and outlined his hopes for the year including his charity (UK Sepsis Trust).
Discussion included Coffee Morning, Halfway House and other charitable suggestions
and other events were also considered
AG will report back to the
next meeting on progress.
Vice Captain's Report (JL)
It was agreed that a note would go in the Newsletter asking members to
keep JL informed of any members who had health issues who we should contact and
keep in touch with.
JL discussed with the Committee those members who are currently
indisposed and what our response has been.
Treasurer's Report (RC)
RC is meeting with Les Bolland shortly for the formal handover.
RC will report back to the next meeting about an Auditor for the 2022
RC will liaise with Derek Young about stock and purchases of clothing
and ties.
The question of purchasing ties will be returned to at the next meeting.
Hon. Secretary's Report (RWT)
RWT outlined progress with the calendar, handover of match arrangements
to AS and membership numbers for 2022.
Competition Secretary's Report (JL)
JL confirmed that all competitions will be a two tee start in 2022 apart
from the Senior Captains Day, Bring and Win and Christmas Fayre which will be
shotgun starts to allow members to congregate at roughly the same time for
presentations and prizes. This will be reviewed throughout the year and we may
revert to a one tee start with earlier and later start times if demand warrants
It was agreed that if numbers who enter the Christmas Fayre in December
are large then entry into Golfer of the Year competitions throughout the year
will be used as a way of prioritising who has first preference to play. This
will be returned to at the next meeting.
A discussion took place as to whether we should offer age categories or
handicap categories for prizes in competitions. This will remain under
RWT has looked at the 2021 winners of Senior Section competitions and
just over half were aged 70+.
To return to the question of age related winners at the next meeting.
Match Secretary's Report (AS)
The sign-up system is now live and the arrangements for 2022 will
include a Joker and three deadlines when selections are made. Members need to
make themselves available for equal numbers of home and away games across the
All Match Organiser positions have been filled.
A note to all members outlining how they sign up to play will be sent
out shortly after this meeting.
Immediate Past Captain's Report (BW)
Nothing to report.
Review of AGM (AG)
The matters raised by members in the Q & A after the AGM were
considered and will help inform the work of the committee.
The arrangements for the 2022 AGM were discussed and the need for a 25%
attendance to be quorate as outlined in the revised constitution will need to
be considered when publicising and encouraging attendance next year.
Prostate Cancer Day Update (BW/AG)
Jim Kerr (JK) attended for this item and outlined the current position
with the arrangements for the day.
It was agreed that the Newsletter will be used to ask for help to find
sponsorship of holes and provision of the auction and tombola prizes as well as
promote the event.
JK will come back to the committee if there are other ways the seniors
can help the organisers plan the day.
an adequate level of charitable giving (AG)
in the Captains Report and will be returned to at the next meeting.
of the Honorarium (AG)
Honorarium will not be given as a lump sum but will be there to draw from
during the year.
A discussion took place regarding the ways in which the honorarium
awarded by the club will be spent. This included, nearest the pin prizes,
senior captains’ day expenses and the Member and Guest Day expenses as ways to
defray section costs.
We will receive a 10% discount on food purchases at the club and a 50%
discount on purchases over the bar when we use the Honorarium. We can also spend
money outside of the club and, on receipt of invoices, the expenditure can be
repaid to the seniors using the Honorarium.
We need around 50 bottles of wine a year as prizes and it was agreed
that AG will use his 10% discount at Tesco to purchase a stock and be reimbursed
from the honorarium.
It was discussed whether to run a charity
sweepstake amongst members regarding the name of the Vice Captain for 2023
RWT to circulate committee members so that we are
able to offer some dates to new members for games
Date and time of next meeting:
3 March after Match with Ladies (discuss
Prostate Day at this)
12 April after Rex Bullock Comp
10 May after Annual Medal Comp
19 July after Annual Stableford Comp
30 August after Bailiff Shield Comp
11 Oct after Team Trophy
8 Nov after Roll Up before Bring and Win
and discuss Annual Dinner
19 Jan 2023 (to discuss AGM) at 2.30pm
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