Tuesday 1 February 2022

Meet your new Senior Section Committee February 1 2022


Introducing your new Senior Section Committee, clockwise from top left: Seniors Captain Algy Grimes; Vice-Captain and Competitions Secretary Jonathan Lean; Immediate Past Captain Bill Walker; Match Secretary Andy Shilton; Honorary Secretary Richard Westergreen-Thorne; Honorary Treasurer Richard Coventry

The Committee was elected at the Seniors AGM at which reports were presented by all the officers, including retiring Honorary Treasurer Les Bolland, who was thanked for his past service.

Retiring Seniors Captain Bill Walker presents Algy Grimes with his Captain's jumper

Algy presents Bill with a gift from members following his two-year captaincy

 Algy presents retiring Honorary Treasurer Les Bolland with a thank you gift

Algy introduces his charity of choice: The UK Sepsis Trust

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