Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Away Match v Saffron Walden - 29th May 2019

A view of Audley House on the 5th hole
(photo from Derek Young)
We arrived early at Saffron Walden to beat the traffic but on the putting green was Steve Clark, chipping and putting, like a man with a mission...

That soon followed by a stream of arrivals, we were all present and correct for 08:00. Captain Dave and myself, were quickly made honourable guests by our wonderful hosts. Our round started well, we held on to all square through 3. Then what seemed to be a short time, we were 3 down at the turn. Dave managed to win 11 & 13 to go just 1 behind.
As with greens in certain topology, they where unreadable, I could have made it all square on the 16th, but looking at an uphill putt, it started to gather speed, and was, still  accelerating, uphill, it was a downhill putt...
There was some good wins from Fred Williams and Derek Young by 1 hole; Keith Fuller and David Wood 3&1, and a creditable half from David Crosby and Malcolm Lee. The result was a corresponding one at JOG, 5 1/2 to 2 1/2, so the aggregate score was all square.
On the day, we where all winners, with an excellent carvery of beef and pork, fresh veg, followed by a choice of deserts, or cheese board, and great hosts.
Steve Collins

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