Thursday, 23 May 2019

Away Match v East Herts (STAGS) - 21st May 2019

I last played at East Herts at the end of August last year and the course was suffering severely from the dry summer. However, it’s recovery this year shows no signs of last year’s issues with fairways lush with no bare patches and reasonably slick greens. The second cut was also lush but at about 2 inches high it was just high enough to hide the stray ball.

Normally in my game I play the supporting role getting the odd ½ to hopefully help to win our 4 ball. This time, however, the Captain was gracious in letting me be the main act whilst he took the supporting role making the difference from losing by 1 hole to our actual win of 1up.
The other results were mixed but went in favour of East Herts –
David Crosby / Mike Marshall              won 2&1
Terry McSweeney / Jim Kerr                 lost  2&1
Michael Newstead / John Cocksedge  lost 4 &3
Bill Walker / Gerry Degaute                  lost 4 &3
Colin Newbury / Jim Peacock                lost 2 down
Neil Pinnington / Keith Blankley           won 4&3
Jonathan Lean / Algy Grimes                 lost 3&2

Hence team result:-                   Jog Snrs 3,  East Herts Stags 5

Lunch was a very good Steak & Kidney Pie followed by Bread & Butter pudding with custard
Malcolm Lee

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