Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Senior Section Committee Meeting Notes 4th Feb. 2025


In attendance: Tony Lloyd (TL), David Barlow (DB), Algy Grimes (AG), Dave Wood (DW), Jonathan Lean (JL), Richard Westergreen – Thorne (RWT)

 Apologies: Nigel Underwood (NU)


1/ TL welcomed everyone to the meeting as the first committee meeting of his year in office.TL thanked everyone for their contributions to the AGM.

 2/ Review of the AGM and any matters arising to add to the agenda for 13th March

 The AGM was discussed, and it was agreed that the format should be similar for next year. There were no items arising from the AGM to add to the agenda for the next committee meeting. A quick check of the signing in sheets showed that over 50 members were in attendance.

 3/ Round the table discussion to allow members to raise any matters that need to be discussed/flagged or agreed before our next meeting. 

 The arrangements for the first set of competitions and the first tranche of matches were discussed and after the meeting several minor adjustments were made to the information on the various sign-up pages on IG and the club website.

BD gave a brief update on the Seniors Tour and that there are a few spaces available if anyone else would like to join.

 4/ Captains Drive Saturday 29th March and Captains Swansong 22nd March

 RWT outlined the planning and decisions that were made about the two events at a recent Captains Committee Meeting.

 Arising from the Captains Committee Meeting was a concern raised by the Ladies Captain about the changes to the entry requirements and handicaps to be used in club organised scrambles. This was discussed and TL will be attending the next Captains and Golf Committee Meetings and will be able to have an input into the discussion.

 Entry requirements for scrambles was added as an agenda item to the next committee meeting but there may need to be engaged in a discussion about it prior to the meeting as it affects the entry list for 22nd March.

 5/ Agree any additional agenda items for 13th March Meeting

 Three action points from the last meeting:

       - Menu for Presentation Evening

       - Baz Backhouse Trophy repair

       - Continuity with Match organisation if there is a problem with the spreadsheet


       - entry requirements for scrambles

       - Jubilee Trophy entry requirements


6/ Dates of Future Meetings


Thurs Mar 13

Thurs April 10

Thurs May 8

Thurs June 12

Thurs July 17

Thurs Aug 14

Tues Sep 16

Thurs Oct 16

Thurs Nov 13

Thurs Jan 13 2026

Thurs Feb 3 2026 (AGM)


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