Wednesday 24 May 2023

Seniors at home to South Beds May 23, 2023

Nigel Underwood and Seniors Captain Jonathan Lean with their South Beds opponents

Organiser Nigel underwood reports

On Tuesday we welcomed our friends from South Beds for the first of this year’s matches against them. After a chilly start (shorts wearers having second thoughts!!) the Sun eventually broke through and a series of competitive matches ensued. The JoG course was in wonderful condition (following Monday’s Pro-Am) and elicited great praise from our visitors. All of the matches were close, some extremely so; results were as follows;

Jonathan Lean and Nigel Underwood won 4&2

Paul Hammond and Michael Newstead won 3&1

Barry Donovan and Trevor Darrington lost 2&1

Colin Newbury and Andrew Lawrence won 3&2

Andy Brown and Rafe Bateson lost 3&2

Richard Westergreen Thorne and Nick Schumann won 3&2 

Nick Seeley and Tony Goodson lost one down

And in the pivotal final match..........

Jed Isbell and Tony Lloyd.......won 2&1

Final score; John O’Gaunt 5 South Beds 3

Thanks to all who took part, especially reserves who stepped up at fairly short notice.

An excellent day’s sport and companionship, enjoyed by all.

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