Tuesday 7 February 2023

Seniors AGM February 7 2023


Welcome to your new Senior Section Committee elected at the AGM on Tuesday February 7, 2023. Pictured above, clockwise from top left, are the new Senior Section Captain Jonathan Lean, his Vice Captain and Honorary Secretary Richard Westergreen-Thorne, Treasurer Barry Donovan, Competitions Secretary Tony Lloyd, Immediate Past Captain Algy Grimes and Matches Secretary Andy Shilton.

The AGM began with a presentation from outgoing Captain Algy Grimes of a cheque to UK Sepsis Trust representative Dave Carson, who thanked the Senior Section for their generosity. The cheque, for £4060, brings to over £6,600 the amount raised by the seniors for the charity during the year. Dave, who has survived sepsis three times, explained that globally one person dies from sepsis every three seconds and there are three deaths from the infection in the UK every day.

In his Captain's report, Algy thanked his fellow committee members for "making his job so easy". He paid particular tribute to Richard Westergreen-Thorne for his weekly newsletters, Jonathan Lean for the smooth running of the competitions, Andy Shilton for organising the matches, Richard Coventry for handling the finances, David Wood for organising the annual dinner and presentation of trophies and Tony Lloyd for editing the Blog.

In his report, Honorary Secretary Richard Westergreen-Thorne explained how membership of the Senior Section had increased from 190 last year to over 240 with many more people taking part in senior section activities. He praised organisers of the twice-weekly roll-up for their help.

In giving his report, Jonathan Lean, Competitions Secretary, said 151 members had taken part in Golfer of the Year competitions.

Andy Shilton, as Matches Secretary, said 59 players had taken part over the year. He thanked match organisers for their help and outgoing Captain Algy Grimes for his after-dinner jokes "that went down so well".

Bill Walker, standing in for Richard Coventry, who is stepping down as Treasurer and was unable to attend the AGM, presented the senior section accounts. 

Elected Captain, Jonathan Lean presented Algy with a card and gift from the seniors. He said Algy would be a hard act to follow, although he aspired to improve the quality of after dinner jokes! Jonathan revealed that his charity would be Keech Hospice Care.

He also thanked Bill Walker, standing down from the committee, for becoming the longest serving Senior Section Captain, taking the title from Fred Williams.

Bill Walker took the opportunity to promote the Jock Allan Prostate Cancer Charity Day which last year raised £5,500. He also paid moving tribute to members who have left us, including Jim Peacock, Brian Gill, John Ellary, Robin Carter and Ralph Black.


Algy presents a cheque to Dave Carson of the UK Sepsis Trust

Jonathan Lean presents Algy with a card and gift from members of the senior section

Algy presents Jonathan Lean with his new Seniors Captain's jumper

Jonathan introducing his charity, Keech Hospice Care

Algy thanks retiring Treasurer Richard Coventry at an earlier meeting

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