Wednesday 15 February 2023

Notes of the Senior Section Committee Meeting Feb 7, 2023


Notes of the Senior Section Committee Meeting

7th February 2023


Algy Grimes (AG), Jonathan Lean (JL), Barry Donovan (BD), Richard Westergreen – Thorne (RWT), Tony Lloyd (TL) Andy Shilton (AS)


Nigel Tarn


Nigel Tarn, the new JOG Golf Manager, joined the meeting for a few minutes at the start to introduce himself and all present passed on their best wishes to him in his new role.

Minutes previous and matters arising

There were two matters arising yet to be completed and not covered elsewhere on the agenda. It was agreed:

• RWT will circulate initial thoughts on the 2024 calendar to AS and TL prior to the next meeting where it will be an agenda item
• Arrangements for the Annual Dinner – an item for the next agenda

AGM – Brief Review

The consensus was that the AGM that took place just before the committee meeting had gone well and the committee were also pleased with the attendance at the AGM. It was agreed that there was not a need to make major changes to the arrangements for the 2023 AGM due in Feb. 2024.


There was an amendment to the Constitution at the AGM and it was agreed that RWT would prepare a new version of the Constitution with this change and date it February 2023. He will then share with JL and, when they agree the accuracy of the amendment, circulate to the committee and the wider membership.

As it was a meeting that followed on directly after the AGM each committee member reported briefly on matters relating to the set up of the new year’s activities.

Captain (JL)

JL welcomed BD and TL to the committee.

Vice Captain (RWT)

Nothing to report not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

Immediate Past Captain (AG)


AG passed to JL an itemised list of the expenditure that had taken place using the honorarium during his term of office.

Treasurer's Report (BD)

BD shared with the committee his intention to transfer the current book accounts to a software package and also shared a draft breakdown of income and expenditure during 2022 – 2023. A focus of his initial attention will be on cashflow, levels of liquidity required by the section and subsidies to events and activities. 

BD asked TL and AS to check for accuracy the expenditure on matches, competitions and other events that he had extracted from the accounts. This will help him better understand the current position and accurately transfer the accounts to a software package. He will bring back to the committee thoughts and suggestions regarding expenditure and subsidies of events during 2023.

The committee thanked BD for hiinitial work and agreed that it would be appropriate to pay a small monthly fee for us to use the software package that he settles upon.

Hon. Secretary (RWT)

RWT shared a draft Committee Contact Sheet that will be circulated to members, club staff and officers and the other clubs we play in matches.

It was agreed that RWT would give committee members a few days to swap to their new email accounts and then re-circulate the draft before distributing.

It is hoped to confirm shortly that Newmarket have agreed to take part in the Swap Day for 2024.

Competition Secretary

Entries have filled up quickly for the two events that have already opened, and the knockouts opened for entry today.

It was agreed that the 4BBB, which is a two-tee start, will be expanded to the maximum possible of 92 players from the current 84 to give an additional 8 people an opportunity to play.

It was agreed that we should expect greater numbers entering competitions during 2023 and therefore we should look to maximise the numbers able to take part. This means that for the majority of singles competitions we should have a one tee start with 3 time zones allowing up to 102 to participate. This will start with the Rex Bullock which is the next competition to open for entry. This decision to be kept under review as the season progresses and the committee can see the numbers entering each event.

Match Secretary’s  Report (AS)

Members are currently signing up to play in matches and over 40 have currently done so.

There is one match at present without a Match Organiser but a couple of members have offered to take on more than one match.

The cost of playing in matches will be either £24 or £24.50 and will be confirmed with the Clubhouse Manager shortly.


JL to report back to the committee on the Golf Committee Meeting and its outcomes.

RWT is about to contact the clubs we play to confirm our officers for 2023 and will add to the email that we are a gender–neutral section.

To be an agenda item at the next meeting

Brocket Hall

Brocket Hall Seniors have contacted us enquiring about playing 12 a side matches with us starting, if possible, in 2023. We currently do not have spaces in our calendar to add fixtures this year and 12 a side is also less than we normally play. However, there was a consensus that we would like to explore the possible options available to us regarding playing Brocket Hall.


JL to discuss possible options with the Club Manager and report back to the committee.

RWT to contact Brocket Hall Seniors to update them and seek clarification regarding team numbers and what options they would be interested in pursuing.

Date and time of next meeting

Thursday 23rd March

Thursday 13th April

Thursday 4th May

Thursday 20th July

Tuesday 29th August

Thursday 5th October

Tuesday 7th November

Tuesday 16th January 2024

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