Tuesday 8 November 2022

Roll-up record, Tuesday November 8, 2022

 The roll-up achieved what was possibly a post-covid record with a total of 27 players crowding into the conservatory on Tuesday… just like the old days.

The entertainment was provided by organiser Bill Walker, who insisted on the blog photographer getting all his balls in camera shot (not possible without a wide angle lens - Ed) and Richard Coventry who, arriving last, proceeded to pull his own ball out of the bag to go straight out. Despite David Crosby’s best efforts, Richard would not be shamed into putting his ball back into the bag.

Winners were Pete Salmon and Dave Sutton with 44 points, followed by Pete and Bob Isaacson on 42, Gavin Little and Bill Conway on 42, Paul Jones and Tony McLean on 41 and Trevor Darrington and David Barlow on 40.

If you don’t want to miss out on the roll-up experience, be sure to turn up on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Meet in the conservatory between 8.30am and 9.15am clutching a ball and £1. It’s as simple as that.

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