Tuesday 15 November 2022

Arthur Lucas Cup, November 15 2022


Seniors Captain Algy Grimes presents winner Jonathan Lean with the Arthur Lucas Cup

The result of the Arthur Lucas Cup, played on John O’Gaunt in challenging, and at times extremely wet conditions, could not have been closer.

Three players came in with 35 points, Chris Dennis, David Streatfield and Jonathan Lean.

Countback placed Chris in third place but deciding the winner was more difficult. David and Jonathan’s rounds were almost identical and the organiser (also Jonathan as it happens) had to go back to stroke index 7 to separate the two. On that hole, the seventh, Jonathan scored a birdie while David scored par. So the trophy went to Jonathan.

Sixty-nine entered the popular “bring and win” competition where everyone brings a prize and no one goes home empty handed. There were, however, 12 withdrawals due to injury or weather and a slight hiccup when there were seven players remaining and only six prizes on the table. The mystery was solved when Graham Lewis confessed that the prize he had brought was still in the boot of his car!

The morning had started with much conversation about the dire BBC weather forecast which predicted everything bar a plague of frogs.

The conditions were reasonably good until Jonathan, playing with the Blog Editor, tempted fate with the immortal words: “It’s not as bad as forecast.”

Sure enough, minutes later the heavens opened and everyone got a good soaking. 

Footnote: While the rest of us dry our clubs out ready for the next bout of Autumn weather, Jonathan will be celebrating his win in the Caribbean!

Jonathan and Algy with David Streatfield, runner up on countback by the narrowest of margins 

Third Place: Chris Dennis, who also scored 35 points

Fourth place: Len Greaves, who scored 33 points

Does anyone mind if I go home? A fed-up Richard Coventry

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