Tuesday 18 October 2022

Autumn Stableford Trophy, October 18 2022


Seniors Captain Algy Grimes presents Jeevie Jeeves with the winner’s trophy

High scores were the order of the day on a beautiful Autumn day for the Autumn Stableford Trophy played from the Carthagena white tees.

The winner was Jeevie Jeeves with 41 points. In second place, on 40 points was Peter Wade, who scored 11 points on the last three holes alone.

And in third place, also on 40 points was Anthony Bell, whose game highlight was a birdie on the par 5 10th.

Narrowly missing out on a podium place was Graham Berry on 39 points.

Seven other players scored 36 points or more.

Raffle winners were Chris Dennis, Paul Hammond, Stephen Collins and Peter Jarman.

Second place: Peter Wade

Third place: Anthony Bell

The Golfer of the Year leaderboard after this competition is: Barry Donovan 64 points, Rob Bage 62 points, Richard Herbert 58 points, Jonathan Lean 50 points, Peter Imray 48 points.

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