Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Seniors Captain's Day - 30th July 2019

Captain Dave Gauge held his Captain’s day on the John O’Gaunt course on 30 July. It attracted 88 participants competing for the Kethro Tray. Also at stake was the captains vs the vice captains shield.

The Kethro Tray was won by Bryan Hankins with a very creditable score of 36 points, particularly given the blustery winds and occasional heavy showers.  Michael Newstead came second on count-back with Sam Standen coming 3rd on 35 points

The captains vs the vice captains shield was won by Seniors Captain Dave and Club Captain Phil Haddow who beat Vice Captain Peter Horlock and Senior’s Vice Captain Bill Walker with a combined stableford score of 60 points to 59 points.

Other honours went to Harry Wakefield for a hole-in-one on the 16th hole.  David Wrench was nearest the Pin on the 4th hole.  MS-UK representative Chris Lee was nearest the Pin on the 10th hole, and Jim McIlwaine was nearest the pin in 2 on the 11th hole.

Finally, a crazy putting course was laid out on the practice green with Club Captain Phil Haddow winning the putting completion by completing the 9-hole course in 23 putts.

The day also resulted in a Raffle contribution to MS-UK of £331.

All in all a very enjoyable day made more so by the shot-gun start which resulted in a full house for the presentation of prizes.
Senior Captain David Gauge with Club Captain Phil Haddow
and their guests

Ladies booking everyone in

The various winners are as follows-
Skills winners 

Nearest the Pin on 16th with a Hole in One
Harry Wakefield 

NtP on 4th - Dave Wrench

NtP on 10th -

NtP in two on 11th -

Winner putting comp - Club Captain Phil Haddow

Overall winner - Colin Stokes MBE (Guest from Prostate Project)

Captains won competition with Vice Captains

Third Place - Sam Standen

Second - Michael Newstead

Winner - Kethro Tray - Brian Hankins
 Bill Walker - Vice Captain


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