Monday, 15 July 2019

Home Match v St Neots - Tuesday 25th June 2019

For the return match against Peter Gleason and his team from St Neots Golf Club we were unfortunately without the playing expertise of our match organiser Graham McKay. We were however fortunate to still have his efficient organisation and he was at the club bright and early to ensure everything was in place and things ran smoothly.

As I was denied the services of Mr McKay's playing expertise I was fortunate to be able to call on the admirable skill of our Hon Sec David Crosby.

However much we tried we never quite got to grips with our opponents, as it is always hard giving shots to somebody who hits it 20 yards further than you, and we had to concede defeat. However it was a close and friendly game and we withdrew to the clubhouse to await the following results.

One of the joys of being captain is that you get two chances to win, and in this case after losing my individual match, my team came to my rescue to make me and my colleagues winners by a score of
Five matches to three.

Pairings for the day were:-

David Gauge & David Crosby

Ian Simpson & Jim Peacock

Jonathan Leane & Peter Jarman

Steve Clark & Michael Newstead

Sam Standen & Colin Newbury

Barry Donavan & Keith Blankley

Peter Grimes & Jim Kerr

Fred Williams & John Ellary

Jim Kerr was a double winner as he also picked up the nearest the pin on 4.

Dave Gauge
Seniors Captain

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